Author Topic: Hi, new member :) from Catalonia  (Read 14243 times)


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Hi, new member :) from Catalonia
« on: November 10, 2005, 06:59:42 AM »
Hi everybody :)

First, sorry for my level of english. I come from Barcelona (Catalonia,Spain)

I read somethings about DogBrothers and its impresionant :)

I dont have knowledge about yours,before two days, but now,i try to learn all that i can here :)

I hope that my english are not a impediment to comunicate with the members that really speak english, but I try to write better or use a translator :P

Well, that?s all . Nice to meet you DogBrothers, from the sud of Europe :)
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Hi, new member :) from Catalonia
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2005, 10:21:05 AM »
Woof Devnul:

Welcome!  Although not perfect, your English is fine and we look forward to having you with us.

Veo que ya esta's en nuestro foro en espanol  :)   Cabe mencionar que tenemos un "Training Group" (Grupo de entrenamiento) en Barcelona, donde yo he presentado dos seminarios en anos recientes.  Dare' tu nombre a nuestra gente alli para que se pongan en contacto contigo.

La Aventura continua.

Crafty Dog


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Woof !!
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2005, 11:54:13 AM »
Wow! stays in Barcelona also? it did not know it!

An honor would be everything to be with the Training Group:) more than nothing because I begin from zero in this (although it has
practiced other sports of contact,but that does not have anything to do with this)

From now on,I believe that the translator will use directly to go to you in
english,because it gives other people's shame me to read badly that I write itt :P


Wow! estais en barcelona tambien? no lo sab?a!

Seria todo un honor estar con el Training Group :) m?s que nada porque empiezo desde cero en esto (aunque haya practicado otros deportes de contacto,pero que no tienen nada que ver con esto)

Apartir de ahora,creo que usare directamente el traductor para dirigirme a vosotros en ingles,porque me da verg?enza ajena leer lo mal que lo escribo :P

The scars remember to us that the past he was real. Hannibal Lecter.

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Hi, new member :) from Catalonia
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2005, 12:50:14 PM »

your english is fine. welcome aboard!

not sure if you have seen these before, but for some DB photo technique sequences:

click on "Photos and Diagrams"

"A good stickgrappler has good stick skills, good grappling, and good stickgrappling and can keep track of all three simultaneously. This is a good trick and can be quite effective." - Marc "Crafty Dog" Denny


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Hi, new member :) from Catalonia
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2005, 05:52:42 PM »
Yes, already it had seen it:) Thanks anyway.

Now I am studying the videos of Dan Inosanto, and the own ones of DogBrothers, since with the videos one sees far better that with the sequence of photos:)

I have a doubt on the matter and is in the different forms in which I see that stick is taken, since the end, and others take it directly from leave a piece underneath the hand (when taking hold).

 What and as of the two forms to take stick is more practices and effective?

And the second doubt is, where are and that conforms the Traiing Group of Barcelona? :)

Thanks :)
The scars remember to us that the past he was real. Hannibal Lecter.

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Hi, new member :) from Catalonia
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2005, 06:09:29 PM »
Disculpeme pero no entiendo el ingles de su duda-- por favor preguntame en espanol.

He escrito a Ildefonso de Barcelona que se ponga en contacto con Ud.


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Hi, new member :) from Catalonia
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2005, 06:17:12 PM »
Mil disculpas.....

La pregunta era:

- He visto que se puede agarrar el stick de dos formas diferentes. Una es cogiendolo por el extremo inferior, quedando entero en la mano, y otra forma, es coger el stick un poco mas hacia arriba, con lo que por debajo de la mano, sale el stick.

Ejemplo,por si no se entiende bien:

m      -------> Hand
 ====  ----> Stick

a) m=====

b) ==m===

Cual de las dos formas de agarrar el stick (a,b) es mas pr?ctica y efectiva?

Woof :) !!
The scars remember to us that the past he was real. Hannibal Lecter.

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Hi, new member :) from Catalonia
« Reply #7 on: November 13, 2005, 11:44:45 AM »
Thanks-- and nice way of "drawing" the hand/stick position, very ingenious!

Folks, what he is asking is about the relative merits of gripping the stick so that the butt/punyo is flush with the bottom of the fist or holding it so that it projects.

The answer Devul is that it depends on the practitioner and perhaps upon the weapon.  Some people prefer to maximize reach and minimize risk of being disarmed by using the flush position.  Others, me amongst them, find the projection of the punyo to provide a VERY formidable tool.  Of course, this is only relevant for those in corto and clinch (a.k.a. FUT) range.  

Another advantage is that even slight slippage during a fight provides serious grip problems for a fighter who starts in the flush position, whereas those who fight with the punyo projecting have a margin of error-- a good thing if you get whacked in the hand.

An additional point to consider is that as the weapons get longer/heavier there can be merit to having the projection as a counter weight.  Krabi Krabong carries this further than most; the handle of the sword/punyo projection of the stick carries almost all the way to the elbow and serves as a shield to the forearm and for hook-type controls in corto/FUT range as well.

Does this help?

The Adventure continues,
Crafty Dog

PD:  Contestare' en espanol a esa pregunta en el foro espanol.


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Hi, new member :) from Catalonia
« Reply #8 on: November 13, 2005, 12:17:27 PM »
Thanks ;) for the answer :)

 Another doubt that I have is:

- You have thought about adapting the movements of the Silat and the Baguazhang (with respect to the legs) at the time of moving?

Reason why I have been seeing in the videos as in the  Dan Inosanto?s Book, you moves are in a cross, is to say to displacements of 45? degrees approximately. Nevertheless, encounter to lack a series of movements that as much can  to be very useful in defense, attacks and con attacks, of baguazhang and the Silat :

Complete turns of 360?, displacements that locate to you behind the opponent, or right in the opposite side of whom it attacks, etc

PD: "...You have thought about adapting..." (no se si la traduccion es correcta,queria decir: "Has pensado en adaptar...." )
The scars remember to us that the past he was real. Hannibal Lecter.

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