Woof James:
"Are there restrictions on the sticks for the fights? Do people use hardwood sticks or mostly rattan?"
You may fight with whatever your opponent agrees to. However, if you are using something out of the ordinary, e.g. hardwood, make sure your opponent knows that. Last time apparently we had some just strolling out there with hardwood without telling his various opponents. This is considered VERY bad form.
"Are you still allowing wekaf headgear?"
Absolutely not. It has been many years since we tolerated cherries using WEKAF headgear.
"What type of gloves are permitted?"
Street hockey gloves or equivalent. Some guys go lighter e.g. ski gloves or baseball batting gloves.
"Are elbow and knee pads permitted and if so what type?"
Must be soft e.g. wrestling pads. "Plastic bubbles" such as commonly found for skateboarding, rollerboarding, street hockey are not permitted.
"Is there a cost to fight?"
No. NOTE THAT YOU MUST MUST MUST PRE-REGISTER. Form is elsewhere on the site and MUST MUST MUST be signed and mailed in in advance AND your name must appear on the list of registered fighters here on the site. Any questions, call my wife Cindy at 310-540-6853.
"Are most fights single stick or is it totally up to the individuals?"
Most fights are single stick AND it is totally up to the individuals.
"Just wanted to know so we can focus our training a little bit for the next 2 weeks. I look forward to meeting you and everyone else there."
James Wilks
Crafty Dog