The Challenge – Day 1

Not sure I really understand what this “Ten Day Photo Challenge” is about, but I gather I am supposed to post a picture every day for ten days of something important in my martial art life. Here I am with some of my backyard students. Cunning Dog Sasha Alex Bondarenko Fu Dog Mark O’Dell and Beowulf Mark Houston have all become DBMA Guros, Faithful Dog Nathan Carlen is a DBMA Black Tag instructor, Wicked Bitch Katherine Hendry has become a Defensive Tactics Instructor for California Hwy Patrol, and Donnybrook Mac is LAPD of long and serious service– it should be noted for the record that he is primarily a member of the NoHo Clan, but trains with me as well.
Edited to add: I’m in an altered state mood this morning– our terrier Terry of fifteen years passed away this morning. She was a good dog who loved playing “Tom & Jerry” all over the house with our cat Ninja. Like all dogs, she goes to heaven.
In such moments, there is a particular clarity to the importance of how we live each day. As we quoted Jim Morrison in the first series “Oh Great Creator of Being! Grant us this hour to perform our Art and perfect our Lives!”
These people have been with me a long time– 10+ years for some of them, and close to that for others. Most of them drive over one hour each way to train. My time with them is spent in the pursuit of perfection in the Art of my life, and I am profoundly grateful for each and every one of them.