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Topics - matinik

Pages: [1]
Martial Arts Topics / tennis elbows in kali
« on: May 16, 2009, 08:51:53 PM »
woof all

as you all know, swinging the stick (of various length and gauges) tends to give the
arms some wear and tear through out the years. one of those nagging aches are the
dreaded tennis elbows :cry:. any strenghtening/conditioning exercises you guys might want to
share would be great and a worthwhile topic imho. perhaps how to prevent this mishap from happening
in the first place would also be information widely appreciated, i'm sure :-). i've seen some
exercises pertaining to this on some tennis sites. but the strokes in tennis doesn't exactly match
the strikes in kali, so i'm not sure if the exercises shown in these sites would cover most of
the issues involve in kali (abaniko, witik, V-de Kadena-V and so forth). it would be a boon to
have info directly from practitioners.



Martial Arts Topics / kali in the media 2
« on: May 08, 2003, 01:20:28 PM »
woof all

nice new interface 8) ! there was a segment on the stabbing incident on a news show "balita america" seen on the international channel recently. it was a cool bit. they interviewed a cop who trained in serrada and he spoke about the defensive nature of the art and how it helped save his life on the job. they also interviewed a professor of far east studies, if memory serves, and he also put the training in context.and all the while showing serrada eskrima people training. they also showed the current head, gm vincent cabales as well. a bit of fresh air from the usual shrill sensationalism the media is apt to take on things of this nature.


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