A review I came across from a gun oriented forum:
Once again a DLO DVD sets the standard for street combat survival.
To me at least, the information and concepts in these types of DVDs is priceless, if even one element of the mental schema promoted or the physical positioning/response saves you from eating a blade during the opening moment of an attack/planned attack. That opening moment is often where and when your future will be decided.
What I like most about the DLO series is that it gives the average guy who may not have spent his life training in martial arts/etc. a place to start training from or operating from in a very reality-based manner. The concepts presented, especially if practiced, should serve you well in better preparing yourself for crunch time when it arrives. Notice I didn't say "if." Because if is just too...iffy.
The video clips of real incidents which very clearly show violence in action as it would be on the street, not on television, are also invaluable.
And I'll tell you this much. Several years ago I had occasion to try and stab the crap out of Crafty Dog in a training scenario. His foot mobility, as well as his ability to use his limbs and hands made it very difficult for me to get in any shots on him. I sincerely believe that had I been using a live blade it would have been just as difficult to penetrate sufficiently to have delivered devastating shots. To me that speaks volumes about the efficacy of the material that he is offering.
Anyway, I give DLO-3 a big thumbs up.