Author Topic: lest we take ourselves too seriously  (Read 20913 times)


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lest we take ourselves too seriously
« on: August 22, 2003, 09:47:51 AM »
On a MMA forum a taekwon do practitioner was defending the high kicks of his art by once again stating that they were designed to kick a man off a horse.  I am not a TKD basher in fact i admire the athleticism of many TKD practitioners but an unarmed man against a man on a horse with a lance.  Let's be realistic.  After the BJJ guys flamed him, I answered with this.

What do you do against a guy with a horse and lance?

TKD answer "Jumpkick the rider"

BJJ answer "Choke the horse"

Kali answer "Eat the Horse"

Muay Thai answer "What's a horse? we use elephants"
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lest we take ourselves too seriously
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2003, 12:51:27 PM »
I've encountered the horse defense both in verbal conversations and even in magazine articles.  It's interesting that modern TKD spends so
much time developing high kicks for kicking soldiers off horses.  Without
a springboard or a nearby building, such a feat seems improbable.

If any of you are interested in reading about the RECENT development of
high kicks in Hapkido, check out: Hapkido: Traditions, Philosophy, Technique by Marc Tedeschi .  The book contains numerous interviews with prominent Hapkido masters along with statements that they invented particular high/spinning kicks.  

Viking answer:  Lance the horse, wait for it to fall, decapitate the rider.
Baltic Dog

Go Shin Jutsu Kenpo (Prof. Richard Lewis)
3rd Degree Black Belt Instructor

Bono JKD/Kajukenbo (Prof. John Bono)
Gentlemen's Fighting Club


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lest we take ourselves too seriously
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2003, 07:31:50 PM »
i was over there as well, and i think the problem is a lot of bjjers flame any art that is not theres. i wouldn't have any problem with that, but the speak of things they have no knowledge of and there only arguement is "ufc".
  i don't train tkd, but i respect people that do. i do train bjj, but don't feel it is the end all be all. i really believe all arts have something to offer, and bashing other arts with no logical arguements is a sign of insecurity.


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lest we take ourselves too seriously
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2003, 03:20:46 PM »
... i say let the people decide which martial art they want if they want to practice to knock people on horses .. even if moderm age its unlikely to knock a man off a horse ... let them see there is more than just practice high kicking to survive thats what i think .. see ya all
see ya next post
my best regards



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lest we take ourselves to seriously
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2003, 04:57:57 AM »
i have been reading these posts about the tkd thing and the bjj commentors. my thought is to always beware of anyone who is willing to trade blows with you. joe shmo can land a "lucky" shot as well as anyone. and a good shot in the right place can be a bad thing even to the best trained fighters. i myself dont think its so much the style the fighter trains in as much as the fighter himself. ive seen some pretty pathetic black belts that couldnt fight their way out of a wet paper bag, and ive seem some pretty tough guys who never trained a day in their lives but just love to throw punches and roll you in the gravel. i like the title of this post because i think it says much! lest we take ourselves too seriously!!                    tom guthrie


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lest we take ourselves too seriously
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2003, 06:09:58 PM »
my post was aimed at the BJJ guys as much as it was aimed at TKD and my point was, we are all out there just having fun, outrageous claims helps no one and technical superiority depends on context.  We should all lighten the hell up and play.

A nation of one ancestry and race is weak. We must hold strong our custom of welcoming all foreigners who seek to join our cause, treating them with dignity and respect and teaching them our language and customs.

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