a bit of a sidebar here: variety just reported that spielberg is remaking Oldboy with will smith
in the lead
can't they leave well enough alone? they are about to ruin one of the coolest movies
that ever came out ANYWHERE. guess hollywood IS out of original ideas. accept no
subtitute, see the original!
slightly off topic, but yeah, hollywood has been remaking some asian movies for some time now:
the departed (leonardo dicaprio, jack nicholson, matt damon) / infernal affairs 1 (hong kong)
the eye (jessica alba) / the eye (thai/hong kong)
the ring (naomi watts) / ringu (japanese)
lake house (sandra bulloc, keanu reeves) / il mare (korean)
etc. some upcoming hollywood horror movies are remakes of asian horror movies.
one of the first planned remakes that came to my attention was richard gere's intention to make a hollywood version of john woo/chow yun-fat's the killer ages ago. thankfully that never happened