Hi to all,
My name is Kevin. I live in Johannesburg, South Africa and I am 26 years old.
I have been practising mainly JKDC with mainly Inosanto Blend and Lameco Eskrima, Muay Thai, Western Boxing and Greco Roman grappling/wrestling. This has been for the last 8 months. been in MA in general for about 10 years so I'm still a baby
There are no Kali or JKD schools in my area, so I have had to learn as much as possible from videos. I was given a beginners session in person by my good friend's two older brothers, who learned Kali from a guy here, who learned it from Paul Vunak. Fortunately,I have a very open attitude towards MA I know nothing about, and when they mentioned Kali in a conversation about MA, I said "please show me". In the very short time we had, they at least taught me a few basic attacks and blocks, pointed out any major mistakes and gave me a feeling of how the "energy" of Kali feels.
Since then I have been learning from the training videos of Guro Dan Inosanto, Guro Edgar Sulite, Paul Vunak, Randy Couture and Bas Rutten. I have been planning on getting some DBMA dvds for a while now since I consider it some of the best training on the planet.
For the last 3 months I have been stickfighting regularly ( at least once a week ) with a good friend. We only have hand protection at the moment so some of it is fullcontact ( to the arms ) but we go easy near the head and medium shots everywhere else. It has been an awesome experience in so many ways. I am buying some new equipment at the end of the month, Yay !.
The name Dog Brothers also really appeals to me because I have always had a great love for dogs. I have a 1 and a half year old Staffy girl, who loves to lie in the grass and watch the stickfighting.
I think it is truly an amazing thing that through learning violence we can become more peaceful and gentle to others.
I look forward to us all learning from each other.
Best Wishes,