Author Topic: Manhattan Class- Wednesday, 9/17 Central Park  (Read 17008 times)

LG Dog Russ

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Manhattan Class- Wednesday, 9/17 Central Park
« on: September 15, 2003, 01:45:39 PM »
Dog Brothers Class- Wednesday, September 17th  Central Park

This week we will work on our stickfighting in Central Park's Sheep Meadow.

Meet at Columbus Circle by the fountain with the gold statue perched atop, 7PM.  We will walk into Sheep Meadow together from there.

LG Dog Russ

(917) 698-9391


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Manhattan Class details
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2003, 03:20:35 PM »
Couple of Qs:

Do you mind if non-participants stop by and watch the class?
How much is the class normally?
How often do you meet in Manhattan?
Do you have to be a student of another school to participate (like Progressive out in Queens)?


(havent stepped foot in a dojo in 10 years and lookin to get back into it  :twisted: )

LG Dog Russ

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Manhattan Class- Wednesday, 9/17 Central Park
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2003, 07:59:47 AM »
Hey Sean,

We'd love to have you!  The class is not that physically demanding.  It's more about developing coordination, timing and good form.  There are several beginners in the class right now so we are focusing on fundmentals as well as some more advaanced material that builds upon those fundamentals.  Please send me an email or give me a call if you have any other questions.

Hope to see you Wednesday,

LG Dog Russ

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Manhattan DBMA- Central Park, NYC 9/17/03
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2003, 02:16:20 PM »
Manhattan DBMA- Central Park, NYC 9/17/03

We started class with a variation of the Prison Riot Drill-  I had everyone do Carenza double stick.  During the Carenza, I moved with them and encouraged the use of Lameco 5 combinations, Inosanto Running Drills,  Snaggletooth structure and whatever else they had been training in the class recently.

My objective of the night was to work Single Stick striking combinations in preparation for the Atienza Blade Simulator this weekend and for the November Gathering (both Amal and I are planning on fighting).  To get everyone into the proper mindset, we next worked Lameco 5, righty and lefty.  Remember, on this one, "if your feet stop.... your heart stops!" (Guro Crafty)

The next step was to work several combinations.  It's good to use Actionflex for this so you can actually hit the Metrinome.  This was some material that Raw Dog showed me recently.  He said he trained this material almost exclusively before his first full contact stickfights.  I'd tell you what the combinations are, but then there would be no surprises come November!

Next we did two combinations that entered directly from the intercept for Inosanto/ Lacoste Angles 1 & 2.  And lastly, I had them make up a combination of their own.  After that was Actionflex application.  Here I gave them random angles off of which to work the combinations.  Depending on range and preference, the 4-7 variations we worked all came out.

Duels- for about 15 minutes we rotated through Actionflex duels working on maintaining a tighter guard Single Stick and using the combinations to overload our opponents and avoid getting hit ourselves.  

We also worked on using our Perception rather than our Senses or pure athletisicm.  This is material we touched on at the recent Tactical Awareness/ Sayoc Kali Seminar in Ocean City, Maryland (AKA Shawny Sama).  You should see Carl Atienza hit this zone when he fights.  F'n amazing!  After the first 30 seconds of each duel, we tended to fall more into Thinking than Perceiving however....  more work needed here!

Some high level observations took place during these duels and we were able to give each other a lot of feedback with which to work.  Most of all, it was a lot of fun!  I came away from that class feeling great, as I think all of us there did.

Dog Russ

LG Dog Russ

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« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2003, 11:32:34 AM »
We will be back in Central Park this week for DBMA class!

Meet at Columbus Circle, 7PM.

-LG Russ


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DBMA Central Park NYC September 24th, 2003
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2003, 09:23:20 AM »
DBMA Central Park NYC September 24th, 2003

With Dave Matthews playing a free concert on the Great Lawn, the Park was full last night.  We made our way to the usual spot and began our training nonetheless.

Hubud (Left Handed): Metrinome feeds left hand strike and Fighter responds using Female triangle footwork.

The next step is to add in the concept of the Zarconia.  Here is the first step of the DBMA Kali Tudo material.  I demonstrated some of it using the Hubud training as a basis for the footwork and objective.  I had them try to enter with a trap and hit while maintaining the flow of the hubud drill.  This is something we trained at Inosanto Academy DBMA Saturday class- June 2001.

Krabi Krabong- using the off lead.  We worked on combining the proper stick and footwork for this material by shadowing fighting with it at first.  Then we partnered up for some Metrinome training.  From the trapping/ clinch range, we worked some punyo striking.  I asked Agapito to show the PTK Seguida that deals with the Punyo in this range.  He showed his “interpretation.”

Switching to Actionflex, I had them use this Krabi material with Metrinome starting at a more realistic fighting range with the Fighter drawing the Metrinome’s attack.

We finished with some Actionflex sparring emphasizing proper range, use of combinations from last week’s class, the new material, and at all cost…. Avoiding double kills!

Dog Russ

C-Bad Dog, Lakan Guro DBMA

LG Dog Russ

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Manhattan DBMA Central Park 9/29/03
« Reply #6 on: September 30, 2003, 08:56:43 AM »
Manhattan DBMA Central Park 9/29/03

Warm up shoulders and arms with left arm doing roof/ umbrella motions with full extension and right arm doing full downward diagonal slashes.  We did it with the right side roof/ umbrella as well and then I demonstrated how to do it with the Female Triangle against a Metrinome.  Guro Crafty originally showed this to us during the filming of “Siniwali in NYC” (March 2000).  No one could do it at that time!  See the end of this Vid-Lesson for this material.

Umbrella/ Roof against Metrinome- Fighter uses the same type of roof/ umbrella action described above while fading out and in to deflect/ block the Metrinome’s diagonal downward attacks.  As fighter gets more comfortable with this drill, Metrinome increase the power of the strikes and the speed incrementally.  M can use a heavier weapon as well.  

Last November, Dr. Gyi told us a story about the UN troops in Korea during the Korean War having only a riot batton to defend themselves against against shovel weilding protester.  He said many did not know how to properly defend their heads with the lighting batton and had their heads smashed in by the protester.  You can also use your empty hand to support your wrist when blocking a heavier weapon or harder shot.

As I learned in Inosanto Blend, an Umbrella will rechamber over the head after it blocks/ deflects, whereas a roof will rechamber across the front of the body.  However, here I will refer to the Umbrella as a block which crosses the body Palm In and a Roof one which crosses Palm Out, in order to distinguish the direction of the block.

Attacking Blocks RH1A-  
The same roof/ umbrella action is used to begin the RH1A (Right Handed, 1A- same leg forward as arm, not a false lead or 1B).

This material is inspired by PTK Seguida #3.  This material was created to make a two-man training drill out of the Seguida material in order to train it’s attributes in a more alive manner using this structure as a generator to develop Attacking Blocks and that powerful backhand Horizontal.

We shadow fought with this material until comfortable with it and then I added in the feed with each student.  We were really nailing each other with these shots!  One slip and it would not have been pretty!

Attacking Blocks as an entry to clinch/ Standing Grapple-
I showed numerous variations from chokes to takedowns once entry is gained, some old some new, some DBMA, some Inosanto Blend, one Bando Python that Dr. Gyi choked and tossed me with last November!  The emphasis however was on seeing your entry with the attacking block.

We switched to Actionflex and continued working with this material.  Class went an extra 30 minutes last night so that we could fully digest it.  I jumped in as well and we tried to apply this material in unstructured duels.

We talked about long term and short term training.  I said that if we were going to be fighting in a couple of weeks, the Umbrella/ Roof against Metrinome would be excellent preparation.  It teaches you to protect your head and hands and is self-correcting (ie. if you get hit on either, you will make adjustments so it doesn’t happen again)!

Dog Russ

LG Dog Russ

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Oops! Forgot one....
« Reply #7 on: October 01, 2003, 07:23:09 AM »
Oops!  Forgot one....

Between Roof/ Umbrella Against Metrinome and Attacking Blocks RH1A we did a precursor two-man training drill as well:

Fighter:        Umbrella/ Roof/ Umbrella against.... (lean in & out)
Metrinome:   Horizontal/ Vertical (PU)/ Vertical (PD)

After each cycle F and M trade roles (see "Attacking Blocks" Vid-lesson).