Author Topic: Darkness, Secrecy, , , and Knowledge wants to be free  (Read 28496 times)


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Darkness, Secrecy, , , and Knowledge wants to be free
« on: February 05, 2009, 09:40:36 AM »
Woof All:

Many/most martial arts have/had some sort of tradition of secrecy-- Kali/the FMA in particular.

In a youtube UFC world that is being put to a severe Darwinian challenge. Many questions are presented. 

They tend to fall into two basic categories:
1) Dangerous knowledge
2) Competitive advantage

For example, concerning Dangerous Knowledge:

Why keep knife techniques secret that are already being shown on youtube for free?   Why should knife techniques be secret in a world of guns?  What screening should teacher do? 

This thread is for consideration of these and related questions.

We kick things off with this clip of a white supremacist group into street MMA.

The Adventure continues,
« Last Edit: February 14, 2009, 05:42:54 PM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: Secrecy vs. Knowledge wants to be free
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2009, 08:52:19 AM »
Does this mean DBMA videos want to be uploaded to Limewire?  :evil:

"With great power, comes great responsibility". Cheesy comic book sentiment? I say no. You may not be able to prevent bad guys from learning dangerous knowledge, but you can make damn sure they don't learn it from you.

Guard Dog

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Re: Secrecy vs. Knowledge wants to be free
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2009, 01:13:06 PM »
I think one issue as well is regardless of where the material is presented if it's available it could get into the wrong hands.  Regardless of if someone is selling DVD's or posting on youtube, if it's public, it's public. 

The other thing I thought of is the concept that I remember Guro Inosanto stating which was when we were doing knife defense at a seminar.  He said:

"What am I teaching you right now?"

Someone replied "how to defend against a knife."

He said "Wrong, I'm teaching you how to use a knife offensively."

This stuck with me, and many other instructors have said the same thing.  Correct me if I'm wrong but how I took it was:

If you are learning defense you are also thinking about how to beat the defensive techniques and in a sense, be offensive.  Whether or not this is actually the case I have yet to make up my mind but I did think it was an interesting point.  So with that said, if this is true even defensive knife techniques could be used by the "bad guys."
Ryan “Guard Dog” Gruhn
Guro / DBMAA Business Director
Dog Brothers Martial Arts Association
"Smuggling Concepts Across the Frontiers of Style” |

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Re: Secrecy vs. Knowledge wants to be free
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2009, 08:35:18 PM »

I like that story. To me this reads like an issue of mindset. When Guro flipped it on the group like that, the seminar participants were forced to mentally go back and think of the offensive side of things. That's very different than saying, "Okay, here's the best ways to kill someone with a knife. Let's turn you into a killing machine."

I like Guro Marc's policy that (And Guro C. if I get this wrong, correct me) there is no "secret" material except offensive knife. Now what Guro I. was doing in the previous story was not teaching offensive knife, he was offering a shift in mindset.

Last night, the 8:00 Kali class at the Inosanto Academy ended with about 25 minutes of knife. The vibe in the room was much more "martial scholar" than "produce bladed killing machines." So maybe the teacher has to avoid instilling a certain mindset in the student until there is trust in that relationship. Maybe that's the temporary secrecy.
Dr. Bryan Stoops, Ed.D.
Semi-Private/Private Instruction
Offered in Chino Hills, California
JKD/FMA/Silat/muay Thai/DBMA,
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Re: Secrecy vs. Knowledge wants to be free
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2009, 09:41:26 PM »
So then there is only "knowledge" it is neither dangerous or righteous. It is used for good or bad only in its application. It is the "heart" of the person that posses that knowledge. hmmm...

I certainly don't envy those of you who teach the kind of knowledge that can be used to kill. It is easy to determine the "heart" of someone decorated with swaztica tattoos, but not so much with the guy who could be a closet wife-beater.

good thread.


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Re: Secrecy vs. Knowledge wants to be free
« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2009, 10:22:42 PM »
I think if material is taught in a broad context, the student learns that its just not a good idea to get into armed confrontations.  They learn that its very iffy to get into a fight involving knives without getting cut at all.  They learn that there are legal and psychological consequences to armed violence that are things nobody wants to deal with.  They see that real fighting isn't just like the movies where the kung fu badass disarms a huge knife wielding attacker with a shihonage.  If a student learns about real violence it will probably discourage them from going out and seeking it.  Of course there's always exceptions that a trainer will come across and have to make decisions based on their experience.


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Re: Secrecy vs. Knowledge wants to be free
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2009, 04:28:48 AM »
Something that deeply concerns me is that good offensive knife training calls to the darkness.  It needs to be installed in conjunction with good rules of engagement.  If it is done simply as "when he does this, you do this" then you run the risk of an Umali affair (use search function for "Umali")


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Re: Secrecy vs. Knowledge wants to be free
« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2009, 05:42:39 AM »
Sonny (Umpad) was very uncomfortable teaching anything from 'the dark side' as he called it. By that he meant material which involved a want, and a wish to do harm, without the necessity to do so. He would very occasionally demonstrate these type of attacks so the student could understand what it felt like to be on the receiving end of it, but he was against it in an of itself.
He was very reclusive as is well known, and interviewed all prospective students, I suspect for the very reasons in this thread. He was also very sensitive to how the training was affecting people and if you were getting obnoxious or cocky had no reservations about cutting you down to size (no pun intended!).
As was pointed out, the offensive and defensive ends are both apparent in the teaching, and you have to see what the 'dark' looks like to be able to learn to deal with it.
Personally I believe the mindset instilled during training and the atmosphere the teacher creates are very important. Sonny was very clear that in training you left your ego at the door and that you respected the time you trained. As he put it 'This is not sport, nor competition. No bullsh#t'.!
As for Youtube etc, there is truly a universe of information out there, but it is something very different to learn froma teacher than it is to learn from a video. As the saying goes, 'information is not knowledge and knowledge is not wisdom'. It's the teachers that are key.
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Re: Secrecy vs. Knowledge wants to be free
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2009, 06:43:26 AM »
To quote Phil Messina "A warrior must hear the assassin's call, but never answer it".

Guard Dog

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Re: Secrecy vs. Knowledge wants to be free
« Reply #9 on: February 08, 2009, 04:27:44 AM »
So maybe the teacher has to avoid instilling a certain mindset in the student until there is trust in that relationship.

Well put. 
Ryan “Guard Dog” Gruhn
Guro / DBMAA Business Director
Dog Brothers Martial Arts Association
"Smuggling Concepts Across the Frontiers of Style” |

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Re: Secrecy vs. Knowledge wants to be free
« Reply #10 on: February 08, 2009, 09:03:19 PM »
A phrase seems to be emerging as a theme from this thread: "the dark side".

Let's try and define "the dark side". For me, it means that the educated warrior spends time reflecting on the fact that ALL martial arts can be used to hurt someone. It is possible, in my experience, to go for a long period of time in training and forget that our arts, or systems are, in fact, martial. I had this happen a few years ago until (what a funny coincidence for this thread) I had my introduction to Sayoc Kali. I had years of pass/slash/thrust and other drills with the blade, but it occurred to me at that time that I had not spent a lot of time thinking about the fact that what I was learning could be used to hurt, or kill.

Such a thought might seem like it should be self-evident in martial arts, but on that day, I spent a lot of time thinking about the fact that a blade actually opens flesh and cuts arteries.

So, maybe "the dark side" is the part of a warrior's education that produces a state of awareness that our arts, are in fact, martial. The martial artist/athlete/scholar/researcher/sociologist has the training and the ability to avoid the "dark side" until it is absolutely necessary to cause injury, or death.

I am also not comfortable with the idea of the "dark side" being a state in which the warrior gives up the control of him/herself that has been gained through training. I don't believe that the warrior enters into the "dark side" and becomes a feral, killing machine. I don't believe that a martial artist would enter the dark side, cause mayhem, and later remark, "Well, it's not my fault. I was in 'the dark side'. I had no control over my actions."

To me, "the dark side" is the knowledge and reflection that our arts are martial, and more specifically the choice that in the moment, harm must come to the other person/people involved in the conflict. "The dark side" is, "Okay, I am in a situation here where I am justified in hurting or killing because if I don't, real harm is going to come to my loved ones, or myself. I don't want to hurt/kill, but I am in a situation in which I must."

If you are talking about "the dark side" of bladed weapons, that is heavy territory, because now you are talking about the same type of cognition, only the warrior is stepping into a realm where the necessary damage or killing involves doing so with a blade.

Maybe it is on the teacher to decide when to lead the student towards the reflection necessary to tap into "the dark side" with the blade. If you or a loved one were in serious danger, could you, would you cut someone's bicep tendon? If it were him or you, could you cut a femoral and back away as you watched the life bleed out of the man? I can think of a list of people for whom I would make that choice, but I can already imagine the reality spilling over me as I carried out the terrible, necessary actions. That being said, I hope I never have the opportunity to see if I could or not. I certainly do not enter into "the dark side" when I fight at a Gathering.

That is "the dark side". As we move through the arts, we come to know ourselves better, and we have a better barometer for when (if ever) it is necessary to consciously tap "into the dark side".
Dr. Bryan Stoops, Ed.D.
Semi-Private/Private Instruction
Offered in Chino Hills, California
JKD/FMA/Silat/muay Thai/DBMA,
Savate/Wing Chun/grappling


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Re: Secrecy vs. Knowledge wants to be free
« Reply #11 on: February 08, 2009, 11:03:08 PM »
The impression I got from Sonny was that you had to live with the consequences of your actions whether or not you were ´justified', however this was not what he was talking about when he referred to the 'dark side'.
To him, the dark side was a state of mind; one that feels powerful through doing harm to others, lusts in violence, enjoys inflicting pain or chooses to take life without regret - for money or for fun, or just because one can.
He saw the danger in building skill in a student and what this could potentially do to the ego. The mindset he tried to instill through his method of teaching was clarity and awareness, never power or the glorification of violence.
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Re: Secrecy vs. Knowledge wants to be free
« Reply #12 on: February 09, 2009, 04:40:27 PM »
You can see this very same issue reflected throughout the past history of the martial arts and in the old books and writings.   Its also a broader human issue of having the capability to act and yet resisting the pull to abuse.

The issue is not trivial it is central. It is real, and it should be an important consideration of every teacher to pay attention to who you teach.   If you teach capability and you don't also try to build an equivalent moral capacity to support that responsibility then there is a problem in martial arts or in any other discipline or field where you have power (like accounting...) 

But the original post is about secrecy vs free knowledge in an era where everyone else is free with their knowledge.   I think that the fact that there are people out there who are freely sharing ways of fighting doesn't change the issue at all.  This has always been the case in history.  It doesn't change what i ought to do.  I still need to give people chances to learn, get to know who they are, try to teach values of good character, and ultimately to not teach someone if I do not think it is a good idea to do so.  And that decision is mine alone. Its up to me to decide where i draw the line recognizing full well that someone else might freely give away the same things that I might not want to talk about with that person.



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Re: Secrecy vs. Knowledge wants to be free
« Reply #13 on: February 13, 2009, 11:46:59 AM »
Whilst I was in Europe recently, I took the chance to train with this guy, Mick Coup. Interestingly a question turned up 2 weeks ago on a Q and A forum he moderates. So here is a view on this subject from the other side of the pond -
A guy asked a question about 'target selection for edged weapons'. Here is the reply:
Mick Coup:
"I'm sorry to say that I won't be posting any details that cover such topics mate - it isn't the way I operate.

There's far too much 'offensive knife' training offered in my opinion, and I know for a fact that all the claims of 'positive vetting' and background checks are in the main part nothing but lip service and a token gesture at appearing responsible.

Every year over here, and I'm sure over there as well, there are numerous seminars offered that promise to teach the covert carriage of knives, rapid deployment with all manner of maiming and killing methods, plus the all important 'escape the scene' postvention. For all intents and purposes this could be nothing more than an exercise in training a better criminal - thankfully most of what I've seen is substandard and not even up to scratch with the current crop of teenage knife-wielding thugs found in a Glasgow housing estate! It would even appear that some of these 'instructors' have simply watched 'West Side Story' a few times and gone from there...

Eligibility for such courses? Turn up with the money, maybe book in advance via email - if anyone doesn't believe me I'll point you at the next such event and you'll see for yourself...

I don't subscribe to this level of irresponsibility personally, and have little respect for those that do unfortunately.

Knife usage is something that I teach and offer extensive instruction in, real knife usage at that, not what I refer to as 'knife gymnastics' that is too commonly seen looking good on Youtube - but this is only if you have a justifiable purpose for the subject, and I either know you well or you are a serving member of the military/police - and most importantly, you have already covered the fundamental foundation material, because without this you'll have an accessory - but no vehicle to put it on!"

It will seem difficult at first, but everything is difficult at first.
Miyamoto Musashi.

Kaju Dog

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Re: Secrecy vs. Knowledge wants to be free
« Reply #14 on: February 13, 2009, 01:45:32 PM »
Whilst I was in Europe recently, I took the chance to train with this guy, Mick Coup. Interestingly a question turned up 2 weeks ago on a Q and A forum he moderates. So here is a view on this subject from the other side of the pond -
A guy asked a question about 'target selection for edged weapons'. Here is the reply:
Mick Coup:
"I'm sorry to say that I won't be posting any details that cover such topics mate - it isn't the way I operate.

There's far too much 'offensive knife' training offered in my opinion, and I know for a fact that all the claims of 'positive vetting' and background checks are in the main part nothing but lip service and a token gesture at appearing responsible.

Every year over here, and I'm sure over there as well, there are numerous seminars offered that promise to teach the covert carriage of knives, rapid deployment with all manner of maiming and killing methods, plus the all important 'escape the scene' postvention. For all intents and purposes this could be nothing more than an exercise in training a better criminal - thankfully most of what I've seen is substandard and not even up to scratch with the current crop of teenage knife-wielding thugs found in a Glasgow housing estate! It would even appear that some of these 'instructors' have simply watched 'West Side Story' a few times and gone from there...

Eligibility for such courses? Turn up with the money, maybe book in advance via email - if anyone doesn't believe me I'll point you at the next such event and you'll see for yourself...

I don't subscribe to this level of irresponsibility personally, and have little respect for those that do unfortunately.

Knife usage is something that I teach and offer extensive instruction in, real knife usage at that, not what I refer to as 'knife gymnastics' that is too commonly seen looking good on Youtube - but this is only if you have a justifiable purpose for the subject, and I either know you well or you are a serving member of the military/police - and most importantly, you have already covered the fundamental foundation material, because without this you'll have an accessory - but no vehicle to put it on!"

Im starting to like this guy Mick...

What a bloody mess   :|

Kaju Dog


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Re: Secrecy vs. Knowledge wants to be free
« Reply #15 on: February 14, 2009, 07:58:56 AM »
Please forgive the re-posting here of this from elsewhere, but there is some overlap with the subject of this thread:

In Search of the Totality of Ritual & Reality
by Guro Crafty

Some of you may have noticed in our catalog that we have begun organizing our DVDs into two basic categories:  Ritual and Reality and this thread serves to introduce a new chapter in the DBMA mission of "Walk as a warrior for all your days".

We call it "The totality of Ritual & Reality" (c).

What I have come to appreciate is that because we are a diverse system, people come to us for diverse reasons.  Stated thus, the point is blindingly obvious, but that did not stop me from not appreciating it as much as I could and should have.   And it is because of these diverse reasons that we are now entering a period of reorganization.

What are these diverse reasons?

Some people come to us due to their interest in the ritual space, e.g. a Dog Brothers Gathering of the Pack and/or the health, fun, artistic and philosophical aspects of our system.   At the other end of the spectrum are people who are intensely interested in developing real world skills for real world problems.  In between the two are people who may not have pressing immediate real world concerns, but like the idea of using the ritual space of a DB Gathering as a moral venue to explore and prepare their adrenal state skills should the flying fickle finger of fate ever reach out and touch them to say "You are on, right here, right now."

What I have come to appreciate is that many members of the first group explicitly prefer to have their experience with us free of what Carl Jung might call "the shadow issues" of real world applications.  Similarly, many members of the third group seek precisely to deal effectively with the shadow of those serve or are in the thrall of the Dark.  Typically these people prefer to have their experience devoid of what might playfully be called "martial arts & crafts", "dead patterns and tippy tap drills" and the like.  And there is a third group  --those who prefer a blend and a balance of the preceding two archetypes.  Personally, this is where I find myself--  in search of the totality of ritual and reality.

Concerning the matters of the Reality dimension, as I get older I have come to appreciate with greater depth than before the moral complexities of teaching the reality dimension of a weapons oriented martial art that originated in jungle warfare.  I sometimes joke about how I used to be a lawyer, but decided to go for the big bucks in Real Contact Stickfighting--the meaning of course being that there really is not very much money in this path.  Although it is my profession, I am not a mercenary.  I do it because I believe in it as part of my path in walking with our Creator.  And because I believe in it I respect the power of its shadow.  There ARE people for whom this Art is not intended.  The reality dimension of this Art is for those who serve the various paths of the Heart-- those who seek to Protect. In a complementary fashion, in some cases the Ritual side of the Art can be a place of healing, forgiveness and transcendence for those who have spiritual wounds to heal, perhaps due to previous engagements with the Dark.


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Re: Secrecy vs. Knowledge wants to be free
« Reply #16 on: February 14, 2009, 08:36:57 AM »
Hmmm ...perhaps this is too far off the thread but,
Crafty said: "..... In a complementary fashion, in some cases the Ritual side of the Art can be a place of healing, forgiveness and transcendence for those who have spiritual wounds to heal, perhaps due to previous engagements with the Dark".

It made me think of the reverse of the issue at hand (how to deal with teaching 'dark' knowledge); How do you educate those who have experienced the darkest sides of human nature and possess, and have potentially used, the knowledge of which we speak, to regain their balance and wholeness in society? Transmuting the energy of predator to protector?
Perhaps this is part of the eternal question of what do warriors do in times of peace, whilst keeping their skills in case of war?
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Re: Darkness, Secrecy, , , and Knowledge wants to be free
« Reply #17 on: February 14, 2009, 05:43:42 PM »
To make room in the discussion for the interseting Maija is taking things, I have modified the name of the thread.


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Re: Darkness, Secrecy, , , and Knowledge wants to be free
« Reply #18 on: February 16, 2009, 09:02:53 AM »
During the interview with John Bolton there is some footage of the enemy knife training.  Not that it looks very good, but I'm guessing they do get youtube , , ,

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Re: Darkness, Secrecy, , , and Knowledge wants to be free
« Reply #19 on: February 16, 2009, 09:42:59 AM »
Woof, I did'nt see the John Bolton interview, but with regard to AQ and their link to the Muslim radical factions of Mindinao Philippines ( actual name escapes me at the moment)
Would it not stand to reason they would have access to actual FMA training not to mention the Indonesian conection?
Howling Dog


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Re: Darkness, Secrecy, , , and Knowledge wants to be free
« Reply #20 on: February 16, 2009, 11:07:20 AM »
Absolutely-- but that would require actual travel and the attendant risks of death or capture.  A lot easier to hook up to youtube.

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Re: Darkness, Secrecy, , , and Knowledge wants to be free
« Reply #21 on: February 16, 2009, 03:51:43 PM »
Woof Guro Crafty, No argument that the internet is the best easiest way to divuldge info.
Heres another thought.....
Knowing that there are thousands of Filipino's working thru-out the Mideast.....a good possiblity that theres a strong FMA influence right in the Bad guys backyard?
                                        TG/ C-HD
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Re: Darkness, Secrecy, , , and Knowledge wants to be free
« Reply #22 on: February 16, 2009, 04:52:45 PM »
That is a very good point.  Its obviousness not withstanding, I confess to having missed it.


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Re: Darkness, Secrecy, , , and Knowledge wants to be free
« Reply #23 on: February 16, 2009, 10:09:10 PM »

Bert Rodriguez thinks it was the flier that drew in Ziad Jarrah. He turned up at US-1 Fitness in Dania Beach, just north of Miami, in May after Rodriguez put out a handbill saying, "Assert yourself." It explained that Rodriguez had trained police and federal agents in close-quarters hand-fighting.

Most martial arts students don't train directly with Rodriguez, who has a staff of instructors. But Jarrah, Rodriguez said, "specifically came to train with me."

He paid $500 cash for a series of 10 lessons. Then, when those were done, he returned and peeled off $500 in cash for another 10.

At 5 feet, 11 inches and about 180 pounds, Jarrah surprised Rodriguez with his stamina. The training included flat-out fighting. At one point, the trainer went at the student with a baseball bat to teach him disarming techniques.

The young man, who told Rodriguez he was training to become a pilot, could go 10, 15 or 20 minutes in unrelenting combat. The battle techniques Jarrah came to learn involved thinking -- figuring out ways to make an opponent's moves work against him; throwing attackers off-balance; keeping composure under stress.

Jarrah, Rodriguez said, was very calm and a quick learner.

"He was in very, very good shape. He was a great person to work with," Rodriguez said. "I told him, 'If you have someone to practice with, practice these techniques.' He told me, 'Oh, yeah, I have some roommates I can train with.' "


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Re: Darkness, Secrecy, , , and Knowledge wants to be free
« Reply #24 on: February 16, 2009, 11:24:05 PM »

Next time we talk, remind me to tell you two stories; first, "the email in 2000" and second "the 25 competitors".



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Re: Darkness, Secrecy, , , and Knowledge wants to be free
« Reply #25 on: February 17, 2009, 06:39:47 AM »
**Keep in mind that to the jihadist, "oppression" means to live where sharia law isn't the law of the land.**

How do I train myself for Jihaad?
skrevet af Ukendt

How do I train myself for Jihaad?
(Fra debatten fra OPSAs hjemmeside:Organisationen for pakistanske studerende og akademikere i Danmark)
Indføring i hvordan man forbereder sig på hellig krig i Danmark og Europa herunder åndeligt og fysisk såsom våbenbrug, martial arts, sprængstoffer, kurser, etc.
Posted - 26/02/2002 : 14:28:05
{And prepare against them all you can of power, including steeds
of war to terrorise the enemies of Allaah and others besides whom you may not know, but Allaah does Know. And whatever you shall
spend in the Cause of Allaah shall be repaid unto you, and you shall not be treated unjustly.}
[Qur'aan 8:60]

In commenting on this Verse, the Messenger (sall-Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said:
"Indeed, power is shooting, power is shooting, power is shooting."
[Saheeh Muslim]

Narrated Abu Hurayrah (radhi-Allaahu 'anhu) that the Messenger (sall-Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said:
"If anyone keeps a horse for Jihaad in the Way of Allaah, motivated by his Faith in Allaah and his Belief in His Promise, then he will be rewarded on the Day of Resurrection for what the horse has eaten,
or drunk, and for its dung and urine."
[Saheeh Al-Bukhari]

After receiving a number of e-mails asking about this topic, we [at Azzam Publications] decided to include a small article about this subject. It is broken down into sections, but should be read from beginning to end for maximum benefit.

The information contained in this document is for background information purposes only. Azzam Publications and the maintainers of the qoqaz web-sites do not encourage you to commit any illegal acts, and disclaim liability for the same. We cannot answer specific questions about information contained in this document. We do not 'sponsor', 'organise' or provide 'contacts' for people to go for Jihaad, or Jihaad training.

There are no exceptions to this:
We are only a news and information outlet, so please do not contact us asking for contact details and the likes.

~ What is Jihaad? ~

Jihaad literally means ‘to struggle’. In the military sense it is meant in the context, ‘to struggle against oppression’. Jihaad is therefore an act to liberate people from the oppression of tyrants. Jihaad is not illegal acts of terror against innocent people. When tabloid journalism mistakenly informs the masses that Jihaad is ‘to commit illegal acts of terror’, they are revealing the lack of their research and the extent of their unprofessional approach to the subject.

~ Military Training is an Islaamic Obligation, not an Option ~

According to the Verse above ("And prepare against them all you can of power..."), military training is an obligation in Islaam upon every sane, male, mature Muslim, whether rich or poor, whether studying or working and whether living in a Muslim or non-Muslim country. The Prophet (sall-Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) explained the meaning of the term 'power' in the above Verse during a Friday Sermon by mentioning that power was specifically shooting. The Verse mentions 'what you can...', meaning that the Muslims must prepare to the utmost of their ability and circumstances. 'Steeds of war' refer to the horses that were prepared for battle.

In this day and age, the Scholars of Islaam have explained this term to mean all forms of modern weaponry such as infantry weapons, tanks, artillery, aircraft, etc.

The above Verse is a clear evidence that military training of all sorts is an Islaamic obligation, not something optional. Furthermore, the obligation is according to one's ability, in that the Muslims must use every means at their disposal to undertake military and physical training for Jihaad. In Surah Taubah of the Qur'aan, Allaah answers those hypocrites (Munaafiqeen) who made feeble excuses to the Messenger of Allaah (sall-Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) so that they would not have to participate in the Battle of Tabuk. The Munaafiqeen came to the Prophet (sall-Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) and gave their excuses with the impression that they really wanted to take part in the battle, but difficult circumstances outside their control were preventing them from doing so.

Allaah's response was:

{And if they had really intended to march forth, certainly they would
have made some preparation for it; but Allaah hated them being sent
forth, so He made them lag behind, and it was said to them, 'Sit you
among those who sit at home (women, children, elderly, etc.)'}
[Qur'aan 9:46]

These Munaafiqeen had not intended to participate in Jihaad from the outset and their lack of preparations was the evidence for this. Had they really wanted to take part in the Jihaad, they would have prepared themselves and tried their utmost to join the battle, like the three companions who approached the Messenger (sall-Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) before the Battle of Tabuk, requesting horses or mules so they could join the Battle. When the Prophet (sall-Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) informed them that he could not provide them with mounts, they turned back with their eyes full of tears that they could not join the battle:
{Nor is there blame on those who came to you to be provided
with mounts, when you said, 'I can find no mounts for you,' they turned back, while their eyes were overflowing with tears of grief that they could not find anything to spend for Jihaad.}
[Qur'aan 9:92]

Therefore, those Muslims unable to participate in Jihaad at this present time whatever the reason have no excuse before Allaah for (at least) not training for Jihaad. The Messenger of Allaah (sall-Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said:
"Whoever dies without having fought in battle, nor having the sincere
wish in his heart to fight in battle, dies on a branch of hypocrisy."
[Saheeh Al-Bukhari]

The one sincere to fight in battle is the one who makes suitable preparations for battle.

A Muslim that spends a life empty of any physical or military training for Jihaad, let alone Jihaad itself, should fear dying on a branch of hypocrisy according to the above hadeeth. True Imaan (Faith) is manifested in actions, and if someone truly wishes to fight Jihaad, he will prepare himself in all possible ways.

~ Sincerity of Intention ~

Training is an Islaamic obligation so a Muslim must undertake it for the correct reason otherwise he will neither be Blessed nor rewarded by Allaah for all his efforts. The correct reason to train, is to train for Jihaad which is undertaken to please Allaah alone. Therefore the Muslim must not publicly display to the people what he is doing, nor must he show off during his training, nor seek fame or reputation in the eyes of human beings during his training. If he wishes to be rewarded by Allaah and Blessed and helped in his training, all his training must be done to obtain the Pleasure of Allaah alone.

In practical terms, this would mean avoiding training in the company of people (e.g. women) who might be impressed by the one training, flouting muscles etc. This also means to avoid publicly announcing to everyone that one is going for training, or dropping subtle hints such as leaving clothes and equipment in view of the people. The beloved Companions of the Prophet (sall-Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) used to hide their good deeds more than they used to hide their sins, for fear of their intention being corrupted.

Train only to please Allaah and He will help you, reward you and Bless you; for there is no benefit in gaining the pleasure of human beings.

~ Training in your Country of Residence ~

- Physical Training
The basis of all Jihaad training is something that can be done in every country of the World: physical training. This requires little or no equipment and is something that one can fit round one's daily routine. This comprises four main areas: stamina, strength, speed and agility. In order to benefit from your physical training, it is important that it is done regularly, ideally at the same time of the day if possible, three times a week, which leaves a rest day between exercise sessions to allow the body to recuperate. Some general suggestions are given below though there are many variations to this type of training. Consult an expert, or read books or Internet articles on the topic. There are books available to the general public of physical training within the Army (US Army Field Manuals and books written by ex-British soldiers).

Stamina involves being able to sustain the body at a high rate of activity for prolonged periods of time. Stamina is built up by aerobic exercise in sessions of at least 20 minutes duration. Aerobic exercise is any activity that keeps the heart rate at a level higher than normal for a sustained amount of time. It differs from anaerobic exercise in which the heart rate increases to a very high level, but only for short bursts of time. Running, swimming, rowing are some exercises which build up stamina. For the exercise to be of benefit, it must be sustained for at least 20 minutes.

Running by far is the best and most practical form of stamina training for Jihaad. Start your session by running for about five minutes in order to warm up. Then proceed to stretch the major muscles in your body by holding them in a stretched position for at least 30 seconds. Avoid 'bouncing' stretching as this can lead to serious injury. After this, run at a steady pace for a fixed period of time. Start easy, e.g. 10 minutes, then gradually build up every session until you can continue running at that pace for 20 minutes, 30 minutes or more. Inhale deep breaths through your nose and exhale through your mouth whilst running.

It is better to run in boots, as running in boots reflects the reality of running in Jihaad. It is also advisable to add shock absorbing insoles into your boots before running, as these cushion the stress on the leg bones and joints. These insoles, e.g. Sorbothane, are available in camping and sports stores. Once you can sustain running at a constant pace for 30 minutes or more, you can add variety into the sessions by running up and down hills, running with ankle weights or running carrying loads, e.g. a bag full of books.

Strength training can be undertaken in the form of press-ups, squats, abdominal crunches, etc. or by following a regular routing in weight training at a gymnasium. It is better to go to the gym with another brother if possible, or go at a time when there are as few women as possible. Public gymnasiums are generally un-Islaamic places with loud music and improperly dressed men and women. Such an atmosphere is not befitting for the training of a Mujaahid. In all cases, learn how to use the equipment properly, start easy and build up gradually and make sure you stretch and warm up enough before each session.

Speed and agility can be built up by sprinting, running around obstacles, climbing over walls and similar activities. Practising martial arts is the best way to develop speed and agility.

- Martial Arts

It is vital to join a martial arts club as part of the training for Jihaad. In addition to teaching you how to defend yourself and strengthen your body, martial arts develop self-discipline and controlled aggression. In some countries, there are martial arts run by Muslim instructors, but one can join other clubs if there are no Muslim clubs in his area. It is preferable to join clubs that emphasise on street-fighting and self-defence such as kung-fu styles rather than tournament fighting. You would never use high or flying kicks in a real fight but you may in tournaments. As with any activity, regular attendance for a number of months is necessary in order to benefit from martial arts. Many people join martial arts clubs but are unable to stick with them. Joining clubs that teach weapons such as sword or knife-fighting are also good at advanced stages.

- Survival and Outdoors Training

The majority of the time spent in Jihaad is learning to cope with harsh, physically and mentally demanding living conditions. It is not about fighting glamourous battles for your pictures to appear on the Internet. Jihaad is tough and difficult, which is why the rewards for it are so great. Although survival training is taught at centres in some countries, it is expensive and, in many cases, nothing special that you cannot learn and practise yourself by reading books on the subject. The best way to learn these skills is to go camping into the outdoors with a small group of brothers. Avoid going to a camping site, since these are holiday areas where many facilities are available such as hot showers, gas, etc. The best training is to take some tents, food and water and warm clothes in a rucksack and go on treks lasting 2-3 days at a time. If you do not have an experienced person with you, then start easy and build up gradually. Learn how to purify water, make wudhu and istinja in cold water, attend to the call of nature in the outdoors, cook or heat food out in the open, making different types of knots with ropes, setting up tents and other similar activities.

Learning how to start and maintain a fire in all conditions, wet or dry, with and without lighting instruments is one of the most important survival skills. Learning how to walk long distances carrying loads up to one-third of your bodyweight, walking over difficult terrain at night without the use of torches and navigational skills using a compass/ map or the stars are also useful skills. Many of these skills can be learnt from books and then practised out in the outdoors.

- Firearms Training

Firearms training differs from country to country. In some countries, possession of firearms by the public is illegal, in other countries it is legal. In some countries of the World, especially the USA, firearms training is available to the general public. One should try to join a shooting club if possible and make regular visits to the firing range. There are many firearms courses available to the public in [the] USA, ranging from one day, to two weeks or more. These courses are good but expensive. Some of them are only meant for security personnel but generally they will teach anyone. It is also better to attend these courses in pairs or by yourself, no more. Do not make public announcements when going on such a course. Find one, book your place, go there, learn, come back home and keep it yourself.

Whilst on the course, keep your opinions to yourself, do not argue or debate with anyone, do not "preach" about Islaam, and [it is recommended that one] make Salaah in secret. You are going there to train for Jihaad, not call people to Islaam.

Useful courses to learn are sniping, general shooting and other rifle courses. Handgun courses are useful but only after you have mastered rifles. In other countries, e.g. some states of [the] USA, South Africa, it is perfectly legal for members of the public to own certain types of firearms. If you live in such a country, obtain an assault rifle legally, preferably AK-47 or variations, learn how to use it properly and go and practice in the areas allowed for such training. If you cannot get someone to teach you, you can purchase books about shooting technique and practise shooting stationary targets at different distances, with a partner. You can also practise running a distance, e.g. 1km, then shooting targets from a distance. Again, there are many variations and unless you have an experienced, trained person to learn from, you will be able to do little more than perfect your shooting technique at different ranges.

Under NO circumstances should you play, or experiment with firearms. NEVER EVER point a firearm at anyone for a joke, whether loaded or unloaded. Keep firearms unloaded and out of reach of children. If you feel that you will be unable to control a firearm, or your temper, do not purchase one. Respect the laws of the country you are in and avoid dealing in illegal firearms. One can learn to operate many arms legally, so there is no need to spend years in prison for dealing in small, illegal fireams. Learn the most you can according to your circumstances, and leave the rest to when you actually go for Jihaad.


Recently we heard many reports circulating in the British media about certain Muslim personalities claiming the presence of Jihaad training camps in the UK in which firearms training is given with live ammunition before sending the trainees for Jihaad... We would like to inform both Muslim and non-Muslim readers of this article that there are NO such training camps within the UK.

Rather, statements such as these are made by Muslim personalities and individuals propped up by Western Intelligence agencies in order to frighten the local population from Muslims. We would also like to inform Muslims in the UK that if anyone, Muslim or non-Muslim, approaches you offering training of this type in the UK, it is a trap, you should stay away from that person and warn other people against that person because he might be an undercover agent. British National Intelligence, MI5, does employ 'practising' Muslims to live amongst Muslims as agent provocateurs and entice them into traps such as these. Generally, these agents are amongst the most popular and influential members of the community. The Muslims are fooled by them because they fail to check up their background (i.e. where they came from, their history etc.)

One can obtain almost any type of military training in some countries of the World, legally, so there is no need to risk going to prison for years just for learning how to use a single firearm illegally.

- Military Training

Although sometimes it is difficult to obtain comprehensive military training in one's home country, it is very easy to do plenty of background reading using freely-available books and CDs, before one actually goes abroad. The US Army has produced a number of military field manuals on CD on all topics from light weapons, tanks and artillery to mines, military fieldcraft and combat medicine. The full set is available on CD for less than US$100 and many field manuals are also available on the Internet. One source of availability is:

...or by searching for the term 'US Military Field Manuals CD' or just, 'US Military Field Manuals Online'. Even though the US Army Field Manuals contain information specific to US Weapons, they still contain a large amount of useful information applicable in all circumstances. It is useful to get a full set of CDs for your mosque or Islaamic society that everyone can use.

Some topics to read up about include:

- Physical fitness training
- Ammunition
- Sniper training
- Mine/ Counter-Mine Operations and Recognition of Different Mines
- Mortar
- AK-47 and other Soviet weapon Operating Manuals
- Terrain Analysis
- Map Reading and Land Navigation
- Camouflage and concealment
- Survival
- Combat skills of the soldier
- First Aid for Soldiers
- Cold Weather Training
~ Jihaad Training Abroad ~