The first hand account from Costa Rica scares me. No one should have to face a gun in their face unless you are the perp. A friends young daughter finishing college is traveling there a lot and wanting to move there.
Knowing your premises was invaded is not a property crime to me. Someone could have been home or come home during the invasion and startled them. I would never assume someone with that kind of nerve is not likely to be violent.
Unfortunately crime in CR is the black secret kept under the rug. Most gringos that live/work down here are involved in real estate, home building, tourism or retail so to talk about it or make it known "hurts business". Very short sighted IMHO.
There are some very scary things going on down here and of course the gov't has now taken away the rights of most expats to own and carry firearms with more laws to come.
My plan was to open a martial arts and yoga center where I live but we will now be resorting to Plan B which is going to Colorado instead. I
will be teaching self defense and home defense here over the next two months just because people
really need it.
As far as the firearm pointed at me yesterday I was appalled by the tactics I saw employed on the beach yesterday. Or should I say, the lack of technique and tactics. I know they are under trained but holy cow! If the officer had stopped three steps short or gone three steps more the Uzi with a capacity for 600 rounds p/m would have not been pointed at them
and my family who were only 10' behind in the field of fire. Three rules of firearms violated in a single move and he had the drop on them.
I know it's easy to arm chair quarterback but the examples just kept on coming. At one point one of the criminals got up and casually walked over to his car and reached through the window into the glove box. AFter a few seconds one of the officers stopped him but this was
before the vehicle had been searched! Why was he free to get up and walk around in the first place? Why were the officers laughing and joking with them only to get serious when the call finally came in confirming they were indeed the armed criminals who had just robbed some tourists up the road 30 minutes sooner? SO much more...
The irony is, I was going to teach some stuff to the police as well but trying to figure out which ones are good and which ones are on the take and are criminals as well is daunting. I can't
not teach the bad ones for fear of retribution but morally speaking I can't show bad guys how to improve their skills either. So, none of them gets any help and it's a shame because some of them a really good guys.
Sorry to hijack this thread... I just need to vent with like minded people for a bit.