Author Topic: Catch wrestling armbar  (Read 8179 times)


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Catch wrestling armbar
« on: February 08, 2004, 08:20:04 PM »
Here's a cool pic of catch wrestler Nat Pendleton performing an armbar in assistance to a pin (top pic):

This link was recently posted on by good ol' Scuffler, our resident wrestling historian.

It shows the submission approach that was often favored by catch wrestlers--ie., using subs to coerce a guy into a pin.  Scuffler pointed out how Pendleton is on his side, so as not to have his own shoulders touch the mat, while his opponent is bridging to attempt to avoid the pin.
"And the rapier blades, being so narrow and of so small substance, and made of a very hard temper to fight in private frays... do presently break and so become unprofitable." --Sir John Smythe, 1590