Author Topic: Auction to benifit the Caballero family DeCampo 1-2-3  (Read 12576 times)

Eskrima de Campo JDC-IO

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Auction to benifit the Caballero family DeCampo 1-2-3
« on: October 28, 2005, 04:37:53 PM »
To all FMA enthusiast and collectors,
re: Auction to benefit the Caballero family
It is with deep sorrow that I must announce that Joselito "Josie" Caballero Liawao passed away on October 16th 2005 of cardiac arrest. For those of you who don't know him, "Josie" is the only grandson of GM Jose Caballero who completed the entire DeCampo Uno, Dos, Tres curriculum. He is the son of Edilberta Caballero Liawao. His grandfather GM Jose Caballero taught him Eskrima at the age of 7 and because of this "Josie" was usually the one demonstrating for his Grandfather. To help the family get through this difficult time, we have decided to auction off some of sticks of Manong Jose. The auction will be posted on our website and everyone is invited to check it out and place a bid. The auction will close on December 31, 2005 so act now. Please keep in mind that the auction will be for the ENTIRE set of weapons and will not be separated.
This set includes:
?   Two sticks
1.   Stick one was used during the photo session with PG Edgar Sulite and can be seen in his book "Masters of Arnis, Kali and Eskrima"
2.   Stick two was used while sparring with his number one prot?g? Ireneo "Eric" Olavides.
?   One Wooden sword
?   Three wooden knives
?   Certificate of Authenticity
All the wooden weapons were personally carved by Grandmaster Caballero himself and pictures can be found on our website. The webmaster assured me that he will have them up this weekend but if there are any problems you can contact us at We are hoping that eskrimadors worldwide will take advantage of this rare opportunity so we can help the family as best as we can.
Thank you for your time.
Happy bidding,
Eskrima De Campo JDC-IO
Headquarters, Philippines
Eskrima de Campo JDC-IO