Author Topic: The New DBMA Association!  (Read 27284 times)


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The New DBMA Association!
« on: August 29, 2014, 04:10:20 PM »


I would like to announce the beginning of a new era for the Dog Brothers Martial Arts Association and the creation of the DBMA Instructors Association.  Under my supervision, the new DBMAA and DBMA IA will be run by a Board of Directors:
*Guro Ryan "Guard Dog" Gruhn-- Director of Business Affairs
*Guro Mark "Fu Dog" O'Dell-- Director of Curriculum
* Guro Mark "Beowulf" Houston-- Director of Curriculum

(Because there are three of us named "Marc/Mark" we tend to use our Dog Brother names to avoid confusion)
As you can see, all three are full Dog Brothers and DBMA Guros.  Guros Fu and Beo are long time private students of mine who together run a school in Moreno Valley, CA.  Guro Ryan/Guard Dog, based in Central PA, has trained with me for over eleven years and brings the knowledge, experience, and wisdom that running a school of some 450+ students has taught him.  What he will be doing for us he has already done for the other prominent Associations such as the Thai Boxing Association of the U.S.A. and the Youth Martial Arts Association.
With this new era I believe we have in place a program that will serve you well, be your interest in any or all of the three basic martial areas of DBMA: Weaponry/Real Contact Stick Fighting; "Kali Tudo" ™;  and/or "Die Less Often" whether you are a backyard group or a school.

I feel myself to be of an age where the focus is on building those that follow, and as a system, I feel DBMA is now ready.  Do note that given that I have been teaching for nearly 20 years, the number I have certified as Guro is rather small—ten so far—but I am rather “old school” in these things.  The DBMAA and the DBMA IA are now my central focus.  If you like my work, this is where you want to be.  (To read more on Guro Crafty’s life in martial arts click here (insert link here))
I now leave it to Guro Ryan/Guard Dog to handle the reality of it all.

Me?  I'm in charge of everything else :0D
The Adventure continues!
Guro Crafty/Marc
We are excited to announce the all new Dog Brothers Martial Arts Association, which builds upon the Association that began twelve years ago.  Thanks to the evolutions in DBMA as a system and in technology, the new DBMAA will offer all that it always has and much more. 


1) Online Video Library:  Inside the new DBMAA you will find numerous Dog Brothers DVDs which have been broken down by technique and carefully labeled for easy navigation.  Every month there will be new DBMAA-only clips from various seminars, private lessons and other various Dog Brothers Martial Arts related events that will be posted every month.  Some will be from Guro Crafty, some will be from DBMA Guros and Instructors, and some will be from guest instructors.   It might be Guro Crafty sharing the latest wrinkle on the Time Machine Game or one of the Guros sharing an interesting tangent on which he has some distinct expertise.  Or it might be a guest instructor; for example, you will see Guro Crafty’s friend and noted twelve year UFC veteran Tony Fryklyn demonstrating his explorations based upon Guro Crafty’s trailblazing innovations with the use of shot puts as a training tool.  Tony, assisted by his friend “Jase” (Jason Stratham’s stunt double) will show you his expression of using the shot puts to develop his MMA clinch game.

2)   Footage from Guro Crafty’s extensive library!  Guro Crafty has compiled over twenty five years of fighting and training footage which he will share with the Association.  Where permission is obtained, the shared footage will include some of the finest teachers and fighters on the planet.

3)  The DBMAA forum like none you have ever seen.  It puts a wealth of knowledge at your fingertips.  As a member you will have to the largest repository of knowledge ever compiled on DBMA.  Having already been in existence for twelve years, the older lower tech Association is already a living, breathing entity ready, willing, and able to support this new step.  Every new user will have twelve years of content already there waiting for him—plus plenty of material of the sort enabled by the new technology.   In addition to the subject matter of the sort you might expect, there are threads on Evolutionary Psychology/Biology,  Konrad Lorenz, Carl Jung, Historical Battles.   After all, DBMA is not just about the fighting, but the contexts in which it occurs.

Navigating on the forum is surprisingly easy.  Great emphasis has been put on “thread coherency”—meaning that if you want to research a particular subject (e.g. anti-knife, head butts, improvised weapons, security measures, guns, etc.) you will be able to go to that thread and find years of accumulated contributions on the subject in question thus making navigating twelve years of posts easier than ever.

Unlike other forums where the “name instructor” rarely shows up and interacts even less, Guro Crafty is there most days to engage and to interact with you.

Guro Crafty has always made it clear that DBMA is not “the Marc Denny style” – rather it is “A system of many styles dedicated to smuggling concepts across the frontiers of style.”  The membership of the Association is broad and deep and brings much to the conversation.  As a member of our organization you will be part of a community, creating an environment of support and growth.


One of the most asked questions we get is, “Where do I start?  Is there a road map?”  The answer is - HERE!

While many people who come to us prefer to follow their doggy nose as they explore DBMA, many others prefer a more defined progression.  As far we are concerned, both of these paths are correct--  our Curriculum Directors, Guro Fu Dog and Guro Beowulf, and I are there to help whichever way you prefer to go.

If you do ask for us to help you with a defined progression, with your progress noted along the way, we will share with a clear systemic and sequential path to genuine competence in DBMA, dignified along the way by a discrete "dog tag" with a silencer of the appropriate color.  Know that we are "old school" in this, recognition will be earned!

Our Instructor section will be for current Instructors and Group Leaders. For those who have aspirations to become an Instructor, the "dog tag progression" of the Association will form your base and continue from there.  For further details contact me (Guro Ryan).


We have kept costs to a minimum so you get the most out of your experience with us.  Here is how it breaks down.

If you are already an active member, we appreciate your loyalty. Your membership remains active at the current rate until it is up for renewal. For new members the cost will be $25 a month or $200 per year if you sign up before Sept 30, 2014. New members, if you get in before September 30, 2014, you will be locked into this special discounted rate for as long as you are a current member under the DBMA Association; after that it becomes $30 a month or $300 per year.
To register

DBMA Instructor Association:  If you are interested in your school carrying the DBMA flag and what the program offers you please contact me directly.

Fit, Fun & Functional!

Ryan “Guard Dog” Gruhn
Guro / DBMAA Business Director
“Walking as warriors for all our days” |
« Last Edit: August 30, 2014, 09:50:57 AM by Crafty_Dog »


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Re: The New DBMA Association!
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2014, 03:52:37 PM »
Greetings DBMAA Members:

Two new clips are now available in the DBMAA Members Area.

Trauma Care - M.A.R.C.H.

-Massive Bleeders
- Airway
- Respirations
- Circulation
- Hypos

Today's clips focus on Massive Bleeders and Airway. These are in lecture format. We have a lot more material queue'd up for you that is practical trauma care training. Stay Tuned!

I will share a sample clip from this course this week. We have a huge library of material we are working on for our members. This association is a huge value. We are running a special discount until September 30, 2014.

Webmaster Bob

PS: To join, please visit:

================================================== ============================

Woof All:

As those of you who have been around a while know, "Die Less Often" (tm) is our system for the interface of gun, knife, and empty hand.

Part of being prepared for the world of DLO includes having proper Trauma Care training, but frankly most of us have little to no clue when it comes to this.

The DBMA Training Camp from the summer of 2013 had Special Forces 18 Delta (combat medic) and advanced firearms instructor Frankie McRae as guest instructor.

A man with literally hundreds of firefights under his belt, he speaks from rare experience about trauma care in the field and from rare experience in training people with no-medical background whatsover in in skills with which they might save their own life or the life of a buddy all the while in an intense adrenal state. Our Army folks will recognize this as "Triple C" --- with some adaptations for civilians.

Each month there will be additional footage of his instruction until the material is done.

Then we will go on to his combat gun fighting indoors training, including him teaching , , , ahem , , , my "Crafty Dog" shooting stance-- which I am deeply honored to say he has taken and now teaches as part of his own curriculum.

The larger point I am making here is that the DBMA Ass'n experience will have fresh material such as this every month.

The Adventure continues,
Guro Crafty


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Re: The New DBMA Association!
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2015, 08:03:43 PM »
Woof All:

The Dog Brothers Martial Arts Association merrily plugs along. Coming up this week:

In the pipeline:

a) RCSFg with Guro Crafty and the Hermosa Clan-- the new "Subversive Game": Why "the Subversive Game"? Because it attacks our opponent's structure from the inside. I confess to being pretty tickled with this one.

b) next Vid-Lesson on "Kali Tudo" with me coaching UFC fighter Pedro Munhoz;

c) The Yellow Tag level of the "Dog Tag Practitioner" program 95% up; the clips are there already and all that remains is to post a couple of related URLs. If you want to have an organized progression, this is the way to go. On the other hand, if you want to follow wherever your doggy nose takes you, that is fine too.

c) more Trauma Care with Special Forces combat medic Frankie McRae from our 2013 Camp at his gun range in Fayetteville NC. As soon as we finish the TC, it will be time to go into the CQ Gunfighting with Frankie, including him instructing the stance that I shared with him and that he now uses in his own teaching. See

d) A Vid Lessons with Dog Antone on aspects of changing to slugs while running the Remington 870 shotgun; Also Dog Antone and I run a test on the Keltec Shotgun. For those of you not familiar with it, it is a bull pup concept that due to having not one but two tubes, holds 15 shots! However, there have been rumors putting its reliability in doubt. Check out our experience with it! Also, Dog Antone is becoming my right hand man on matters pertaining to gun; there will be nice little interview with him on the DBMA Unorganized Militia Tactical concept.

Of course there are all the usual activities on the forums, the training logs, and so forth. This is just what is in the pipeline for this coming week.

What are you going to do with this year? I offer for your consideration to join the DBMA Association.

The Adventure continues!
Guro Crafty/Marc


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Re: The New DBMA Association!
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2017, 05:16:15 AM »
Greetings Dog Brothers Martial Arts Association Members!

The Dog Brothers 2017 Open Gathering of the Pack is now available for online viewing. 91 Full Fights, indexed for easy reference.

Please visit our Vid Lesson Index and go to the Gathering Section.


Module 1   Double Stick vs. Double Stick
Unit 1   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 01 - Double Stick vs. Double Stick   
Unit 2   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 02 - Double Stick vs. Double Stick   
Unit 3   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 03 - Double Stick vs. Double Stick   
Unit 4   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 04 - Double Stick vs. Double Stick   
Unit 5   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 05 - Double Stick vs. Double Stick   
Unit 6   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 06 - Double Stick vs. Double Stick   
Unit 7   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 07 - Double Stick vs. Double Stick   
Unit 8   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 08 - Double Stick vs. Double Stick   
Unit 9   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 09 - Double Stick vs. Double Stick   
Unit 10   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 10 - Double Stick vs. Double Stick   
Unit 11   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 11 - Double Stick vs. Double Stick   
Unit 12   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 12 - Double Stick vs. Double Stick   
Unit 13   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 13 - Double Stick vs. Double Stick   
Unit 14   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 14 - Double Stick vs. Double Stick   
Module 2   Double Sword vs. Three Section Staff
Unit 1   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 15 - Double Sword vs. Three Section Staff   
Module 3   Empty Hand vs. Single Knife
Unit 1   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 16 - Empty Hand vs. Single Knife   
Module 4   Single Knife vs. Single Knife
Unit 1   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 17 - Single Knife vs. Single Knife   
Unit 2   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 18 - Single Knife vs. Single Knife   
Unit 3   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 19 - Single Knife vs. Single Knife   
Unit 4   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 20 - Single Knife vs. Single Knife   
Unit 5   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 21 - Single Knife vs. Single Knife   
Unit 6   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 22 - Single Knife vs. Single Knife   
Unit 7   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 23 - Single Knife vs. Single Knife   
Unit 8   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 24 - Single Knife vs. Single Knife   
Unit 9   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 25 - Single Knife vs. Single Knife   
Unit 10   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 26 - Single Knife vs. Single Knife   
Unit 11   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 27 - Single Knife vs. Single Knife   
Unit 12   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 28 - Single Knife vs. Single Knife   
Unit 13   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 29 - Single Knife vs. Single Knife   
Unit 14   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 30 - Single Knife vs. Single Knife   
Unit 15   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 31 - Single Knife vs. Single Knife   
Unit 16   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 32 - Single Knife vs. Single Knife   
Unit 17   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 33 - Single Knife vs. Single Knife   
Unit 18   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 34 - Single Knife vs. Single Knife   
Unit 19   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 35 - Single Knife vs. Single Knife   
Unit 20   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 36 - Single Knife vs. Single Knife   
Unit 21   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 37 - Single Knife vs. Single Knife   
Unit 22   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 38 - Single Knife vs. Single Knife   
Unit 23   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 39 - Single Knife vs. Single Knife   
Unit 24   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 40 - Single Knife vs. Single Knife   
Module 5   Single Stick vs. Single Stick
Unit 1   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 41 - Single Stick vs. Single Stick   
Unit 2   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 42 - Single Stick vs. Single Stick   
Unit 3   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 43 - Single Stick vs. Single Stick   
Unit 4   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 44 - Single Stick vs. Single Stick   
Unit 5   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 45 - Single Stick vs. Single Stick   
Unit 6   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 46 - Single Stick vs. Single Stick   
Unit 7   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 47 - Single Stick vs. Single Stick   
Unit 8   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 48 - Single Stick vs. Single Stick   
Unit 9   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 49 - Single Stick vs. Single Stick   
Unit 10   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 50 - Single Stick vs. Single Stick   
Unit 11   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 51 - Single Stick vs. Single Stick   
Unit 12   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 52 - Single Stick vs. Single Stick   
Unit 13   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 53 - Single Stick vs. Single Stick   
Unit 14   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 54 - Single Stick vs. Single Stick   
Unit 15   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 55 - Single Stick vs. Single Stick   
Unit 16   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 56 - Single Stick vs. Single Stick   
Unit 17   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 57 - Single Stick vs. Single Stick   
Unit 18   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 58 - Single Stick vs. Single Stick   
Unit 19   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 59 - Single Stick vs. Single Stick   
Unit 20   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 60 - Single Stick vs. Single Stick   
Unit 21   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 61 - Single Stick vs. Single Stick   
Unit 22   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 62 - Single Stick vs. Single Stick   
Unit 23   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 63 - Single Stick vs. Single Stick   
Unit 24   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 64 - Single Stick vs. Single Stick   
Unit 25   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 65 - Single Stick vs. Single Stick   
Unit 26   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 66 - Single Stick vs. Single Stick   
Unit 27   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 67 - Single Stick vs. Single Stick   
Unit 28   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 68 - Single Stick vs. Single Stick   
Unit 29   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 69 - Single Stick vs. Single Stick   
Unit 30   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 70 - Single Stick vs. Single Stick   
Unit 31   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 71 - Single Stick vs. Single Stick   
Unit 32   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 72 - Single Stick vs. Single Stick   
Unit 33   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 73 - Single Stick vs. Single Stick   
Unit 34   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 74 - Single Stick vs. Single Stick   
Module 6   Single Sword vs. Single Sword
Unit 1   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 75 - Single Sword vs. Single Sword   
Unit 2   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 76 - Single Sword vs. Single Sword   
Unit 3   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 77 - Single Sword vs. Single Sword   
Unit 4   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 78 - Single Sword vs. Single Sword   
Module 7   Stick & Dagger vs. Stick & Dagger
Unit 1   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 79 - Stick & Dagger vs. Stick & Dagger   
Unit 2   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 80 - Stick & Dagger vs. Stick & Dagger   
Unit 3   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 81 - Stick & Dagger vs. Stick & Dagger   
Unit 4   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 82 - Stick & Dagger vs. Stick & Dagger   
Module 8   Stick & Shield vs. Stick & Shield
Unit 1   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 83 - Stick & Shield vs. Stick & Shield   
Module 9   Sword & Dagger vs. Sword & Dagger
Unit 1   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 84 - Sword & Dagger vs. Sword & Dagger   
Module 10   Sword & Shield vs. Sword & Shield
Unit 1   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 85 - Sword & Shield vs. Sword & Shield   
Unit 2   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 86 - Sword & Shield vs. Sword & Shield   
Module 11   Tomahawk & Knife vs. Tomahawk & Knife
Unit 1   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 87 - Tomahawk & Knife vs. Tomahawk & Knife   
Unit 2   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 88 - Tomahawk & Knife vs. Tomahawk & Knife   
Unit 3   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 89 - Tomahawk & Knife vs. Tomahawk & Knife   
Module 12   Tomahawk vs. Three Section Staff
Unit 1   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 90 - Tomahawk vs. Three Section Staff   
Module 13   Two vs. One - Single Knife vs. Empty Hand
Unit 1   2017-09 - Open Gathering - 91 - Two vs. One - Single Knife vs. Empty Hand   

All the best.
