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The MythBusters crew filmed this one in August 2012 and included the Phantom high frame-rate camera for crisp super-slow motion.  This show includes a group of San Francisco Bay Area fighters wielding sticks, chairs, keyboards and chains.  Have a laugh at some aging office workers fighting.

"Hidden in America: Underground Fight Clubs" Premieres Saturday, March 9 at 10 PM E/P

Destination America channel (771 on Comcast for Sunnyvale, CA)

Full contact weapons fighting (sticks, chairs, chains, keyboard, etc.) with Gentlemen's Fighting Club (San Francisco Bay Area) and Manup Standup Tournament (MUSU, New York City)

Hidden in America: Underground Fight Clubs Premieres Saturday, March 9 at 10 PM E/P From backyard brawls in Silicon Valley to kung fu battles in the backstreets of the Bronx, HIDDEN IN AMERICA investigates the codes and core values of America's underground fight clubs. What drives men to battle their fellow men in unrestricted hand-to-hand combat? Why are some fighting styles outlawed, forcing their proponents to operate in clandestine locations? And with the rise of no-rules Mixed Martial Arts, is America becoming addicted to violence? Experts explore the reasons and hidden desires behind fight club members' primal urges to do battle, and the heavy physical and emotional toll these often unsanctioned clashes can have.

Channel finder for "Destination America" channel :

Channels (for Sunnyvale, CA):
Comcast : 771
ATT Uverse : HD 1465
DirecTV : HD 286
DISH : HD 194

Weapons Fighting show announcement for April 17:

"Onkel Amerika" a Norwegian reality TV series with an episode of the two Grammy-winning musician hosts Fingern and Dansken fighting some Americans known as the Gentlemen's Fighting Club. Other series topics include :
- Skin hanging
- Shark fishing
- Norse mythology
- Gold mining
- Steer wrestling
- Played a concert
- Stunt school
- Underground exploring in NYC
- Ghost hunters - investigation a haunted place in Seattle
- Bigfoot researchers
- Magic show

On-line viewing is region-limited. Sorry.

Martial Arts Topics / ESPN show : backyard fist and weapons fighting
« on: July 19, 2011, 09:14:55 PM »
ESPN E60  (seen as E:60)
A collection of segments dealing with contact sports
9:30 pm (Pacific Time)
Friday July 22
725 es2hd for Comcast

Look for the HD channel.  This is a show is a new compilation of underground and amateur fighting, including a Florida backyard bare knuckle ring, a weapons fighting group from the San Francisco Bay Area and others

(yes, this is a rerun of the segment ESPN did on my fighting group in 2008)

Martial Arts Topics / "Uppercut" (2011) on amateur fighting with weapons
« on: February 09, 2011, 02:00:11 PM »
A few friends of mine and I are in this short piece on amateur fighting,
 in the series "California is a Place" by Drea Cooper and Zackary Canepari

"Uppercut" (2011)
Click on 4 arrows in the lower right hand corner for Full-Screen Mode

Yeah, there isn't much fighting in the video as the focus is on the people.

Martial Arts Topics / BBC: Last Woman Standing : stick fight
« on: February 24, 2010, 03:43:01 PM »
Girls Stick Fight - Last Woman Standing - Series 1 Episode 3 Preview - BBC Three

Martial Arts Topics / Nat Geo show : Fight Club No Limits
« on: February 09, 2010, 05:01:09 PM »
We should keep a sticky to alert the tribe of upcoming TV showings of the National Geographic "Fight Club : No Limits" show.

Martial Arts Topics / Fights Well with Others - shirts in kid sizes
« on: February 07, 2010, 09:44:10 PM »
Anyone interested in infant and kid sizes of Nick's "Fights Well with Others" shirts?  If so, send Nick an email.

Perhaps he could go mainstream with this shirt if the scenes were baby martial arts:

1) push other baby down
2) pull away toy
3) pull hair of other baby
4) bite hand of other baby
5) others?

Hey guys,

I received a KIL email announcement that Nick "Pappy Dog" and Kalani "Poi Dog" are on a show called "Time Warp."  Nick's episode is apparently on Wed April 15 on the Discovery channel. 

I watched the first episodes this week and saw the preview of a stick striking a belly in super slow motion.  The crux of the show is a 1000 frames/second (could be more, please correct) camera that slows down events by a factor of about 10 (according to cameramen on show.  The numbers don't match up, so I think they made adjust the frame rate according to the duration of the event. 1000 fps /30 fps = 33x and 1000/60 fps = 16x)

Martial Arts Topics / DB on ESPN ?
« on: January 07, 2009, 05:45:27 PM »
A friend of mine described a short (5-10 minute) show on the Dog Brothers including interviews with Corey Davis.  Did anyone see this on ESPN during the Dec24-Jan02 stretch?  I'm searching on the ESPN site, but I can't go back in time.

Martial Arts Topics / Eskrima documentary
« on: January 07, 2009, 12:45:47 PM »
Saw this in the Inayan forum :

If you're up for a good laugh, here is another show on Fight Clubs including my group as well as a motorcycle gang "East Bay Rats" from Oakland.
-- Gints aka Baltic Dog

G4 Investigates: Fight Clubs
Saturday December 13th 10pm (EST/PST)  NOTE:  there is some confusion on the time.  My on-screen cable guide lists 7 pm but the previews on the G4 channel say 10 pm.

Press :

Sat 10pm December 13 (EST/PST)
Sun 5pm December 14
Mon 5pm December 15
Tue 3am December 16
Wed 2pm December 17
And so on ...

136 on G4/Comcast cable (at least in SF Bay Area)
354 on DirecTV
191 on DISH Network

Martial Arts Topics / Video link for Stickfighting on ESPN TV April 22
« on: April 18, 2008, 06:51:44 PM »

Check out stick and other weapons fighting by a San Francisco Bay Area group.
If you fought at this club from 2003-present, you may be on this program.
I'm in this one.  There are three stories in this hour-long show.

Show is named "E:60" on at different times on both ESPN channels
ESPN  :  Tue 04/22 4pm PST (7pm EST)

On the OTHER ESPN channel :
ESPN2 : Tue 04/22 8pm PST (11pm EST)
            Mon 04/28 8pm PST (11pm EST)
            Tue 04/29 2am PST  (5am EST)

Channel info:
ESPN   :
            Comcast Cable (SF Bay Area):  38  (HD on   724)
            DISH Satellite                    : 140  (HD on 9424)
            DirecTV                            : 206   (HD on    73)
ESPN2 : Comcast Cable (SF Bay Area):  38  (HD on   725)
            DISH Satellite                    : 144  (HD on 9425)
            DirecTV                           : 209  (HD on    72)

On-line schedules:
DISH Satellite 

It's an honor to be in a rerun!

The Dog Brothers documentary "Fight Club: No Limits" will rerun again on Sunday April 20 at 4pm PST (7pm EST) .

National Geographic Channel
For SF Bay Area:  Comcast Cable channel  273 (for High Def 757)
For DISH Network: 186  (for High Def 9429)
(The DISH schedule shows 3:30pm .  Odd)

We're a rerun !  See Baltic Dog, C-Space Dog and C-Devil Dog and others fighting in a garage.

If that doesn't work, try here and BE SURE CLICK ON THE "FIGHT CLUB" episode

National Geographic Channel : "Taboo: Proving Ground "
California Comcast Cable : channel 273  (High definition on 757)
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
3PM Pacific Time
6PM Eastern Time

In some cultures men prove their manhood by enduring pain. Get a pass into an American Fight Club, where some successful, educated males engage in physical combat to test their manhood, using anything to attack - wooden knives, soda cans, sticks, even soap-on-a-rope. On the remote Indonesian island of Sumba, hundreds of men take part in a time-honored event known as the Pasola. Facing off in two teams on horseback, they charge toward each other hurling spears.

Martial Arts Topics / new Beowulf movie ?
« on: December 28, 2007, 04:25:38 PM »
I saw the Beowulf movie in 3D a few weeks ago.  Fantastic !  Be sure to catch it in 3D with the glasses, and you probably have to sit in the middle of the theater.  My wife and I positioned ourselves in the prime spots by showing up early.  This is a guy's movie with little compromise, much like "300".

Be sure to catch this in the theaters.  I don't know how it will turn out in a home viewing experience.  Perhaps a top of the line 1080p TV set with a high definition disc (HD-DVD or Blu Ray) might do it, but the home technology is far from what you get in the theater.  I think there are some non-3D theaters, but I'd say to not bother with those.   Also, I've read that the IMAX version, billed as better than the 3D theater experience, turns out to be worse as the glasses aren't as good.

Here's a TV show on weapons fighting the Indonesian Sumba tribe and a San Francisco Bay Area tribe .
Videotaped in High Definition, so look for the HD channel.

National Geographic Taboo
Season IV, Episode 5 "Proving Ground"  (Eastern time)  (Pacific time)

This is the Pacific Time schedule, so add three hours for Eastern Time:
Wednesday  August 22, 2007, 7 pm and 10 pm
Saturday      August 25, 12pm
Wednesday  August 29, 2007, 3 pm

In some cultures men prove their manhood by enduring pain. Get a pass into an American Fight Club, where some successful, educated males engage in physical combat to test their manhood, using anything to attack - blunted knives, chairs, sticks, even soda cans. On the remote Indonesian island of Sumba, hundreds of men take part in a time-honored event known as the Pasola. Facing off in two teams on horseback, they charge toward each other hurling spears.

Martial Arts Topics / Radzik Dariusz from Poland ?
« on: June 26, 2007, 01:30:56 PM »

Awesome Gathering experience.  I'll post on the Weapons and Kajukenbo Cafe fora shortly to help spread the word.

Does anyone have an email address for Radzik Dariusz  from Poland? We exchanged email, but I've misplaced his info.  Pleaase let me know:



Martial Arts Topics / Dog Hig (Graeme), send me an email
« on: June 02, 2007, 11:48:14 AM »
Hello Dog Hig,

This forum gives me an error (Max PM limit reached) when I try to reply to your message using the message box.  Please send me an email :

aka Baltic Dog

Martial Arts Topics / Radio show : Mick Foley and wrestling
« on: April 05, 2007, 03:02:00 PM »
Heard this cool radio show with Mick Foley in the car today.   The audio should be available in a few hours.  I'm buying his book _The Hardcore Diaries_ when the paperback edition is out.

An Inside Look at Professional Wrestling

Audio for this story will be available at approx. 6:00 p.m. ET
Talk of the Nation, April 5, 2007 ยท WrestleMania, the ultimate star-studded annual event of body slams, drew more than 80,000 to Detroit's Ford Field Stadium last weekend. Guests discuss the business, the passion and the showmanship of professional wrestling.

Martial Arts Topics / Crazy weapons fighting on Geraldo
« on: June 02, 2006, 05:09:43 PM »
Watch the "Gentleman's Fight Club" on "Geraldo At Large" tonight
7:30pm Friday June 02
on KPIX/CBS 5 (channel 5)  
There may be another rebroadcast on Saturday.

Geraldo Rivera decided to do a show on geeks and sparring and
cold-called my group. I hope the spin isn't too crazy.   In the hours
of interviews, we all credited our martial arts teachers by name and
provided largely sane responses.   We are average fighters
with a good heart for self-defense training.  This story is about
showing the world why we enjoy self-defense training and the
comraderie of the group.

We mentioned the Dog Brother Gathering in LA during the interviews
and that this activity helps us train for that awesome event.
Hopefully, that blurb will make it into the show.  Thank you, Marc !

Martial Arts Topics / Gathering on June 6 or June 25 ?
« on: April 26, 2006, 11:59:04 PM »
Woof Crafty,

Are you holding the DB Gathering on June 6th (Tuesday) as you mentioned in a post on DBMAA ?  The link on the DB home page lists the date as June 25.

I'm psyched to participate in another awesome event.

Thanks !


Martial Arts Topics / Weapons Sparring Club on CBS, Monday Feb. 27 at 11pm
« on: February 27, 2006, 04:34:58 PM »
Check out the CBS5 program on a San Francisco Bay Area
sparring club  - the "Gentleman's Fighting Club ",
airing on CBS 5 (Channel 5) on Monday February 27, 2006
at 11pm .

Here is the CBS ad from the San Francisco Chronicle :

Also, here is an earlier piece from National Public Radio:



Martial Arts Topics / June 2005 Gathering Fighter identification ?
« on: August 29, 2005, 11:37:18 PM »

Would anyone please help me match some names to fighters, using the pictures from the gallery ?



1. Single Knife:   Dunno? vs. Chris Schulz
also DBJune2005_6279.jpg

2. Single Knife :  Dunno vs. Shannon Mackensie

3. Single knife: Derek Walker vs. Dunno?

4. Single knife: Dale Frank vs. Dunno?

5. Single knife:  Dunno? vs Dunno?

6. Single Stick:  Dunno? vs. Rob Gage

7. Single Stick: Glenn Loria vs, Dunno?

8. Single Stick :  Dunno?  vs. Dunno?

Thank you !

Martial Arts Topics / photos from Shinbukan Invitation Stick & Knife
« on: March 31, 2005, 03:15:09 AM »
Here are some photos (taken by Gints Klimanis and Ally Yang) from a recent padded stick & training knife sparring tournament in Campbell, CA :

The Shinbukan Invitational
Karate, Ju Jitsu & Eskrima
Saturday, March 19, 2005



Martial Arts Topics / Photo of Kris on web site
« on: July 01, 2004, 02:04:14 PM »

The Gathering 2004 was an awesome event.  Love the industrial feel at the RAW gym.

I noticed that bloody photo of Kris Donnage on the Home page of the DB web site.  It was a "cool" injury, and Kris took it well.    If I was not mistaken
in my observations, the injury was a scalp scrape from a stick technique
during the groundfighting portion of the fight when the helmets of both  fighters had been removed.     I hope the photo is there for only a few
days and is then moved to a "Wounds" gallery.  Although I enjoy
watching and doing this sort of fighting, I think such a photo on the Home page is counterproductive in promoting the event.  

Gints Klimanis

BTW, does anyone have an email address for Kris ?  My lovely
photographic assistant Ally snapped a photo of this in what may be
interpreted as a religious context:   Arm of God (Marc Denny, head obscured) with his arm on Kris's shoulder.  Over Marc's shoulder
peers the eyes of a Satan-like creature.  The photo is unposed.
I'm not particularly religious, but the photo strikes me as such.

Here's a small version of the photo, which also isn't appropriate for
a main page photo :

Martial Arts Topics / Pole fighting blooper
« on: June 11, 2004, 12:10:36 PM »
Watch out for the pranksters slipping in an extra staff !
Click on the Search tab on the left side
Search for "pole fighting"  or
just scroll down to the "pole fighting" entry

Martial Arts Topics / Mark Kerr Documentary
« on: April 07, 2004, 07:56:53 PM »
Check out the new release of Mark Kerr's "Smashing Machine" documentary on DVD.  Mark Kerr was a UFC, Pride, etc. fighter.  This is a *fine* behind the scenes, easy going documentary of Mark before and after fights, training (Bas Rutten) and other stuff.  The DVD extras are also a good view, especially the Gracie and "Cauliflower" ear mini movies.



Martial Arts Topics / Defensive guns
« on: January 07, 2004, 12:31:37 PM »
This article, found by Ray Terry, is about news coverage on guns used in self-defense.  Some interesting events include the successful defenses by early teens.

Why People Fear Guns
By John R. Lott Jr.,2933,107274,00.html

Martial Arts Topics / DB July 20003 Gathering
« on: July 14, 2003, 08:15:59 PM »
Hi Ya'll,

I'd like to congratulate Marc Denny, the Dog Brothers and the rest of his crew for putting together another adventure.  The RAW gym lends a fantastic feel to the event.  We saw Linda do a chick vs. guy knife fight.
The knife and stick fights were fast and furious.  Top Dog closed the event
by fighting his son.  Most excellent !

Marc, thank you for adding some real adventure to our lives.


I didn't fight, but my northern California friends Roger, Milt, Linda, and Eric did. I had a great time snapping pictures.  I'll post them soon.

Martial Arts Topics / man stabbed with swordfish
« on: July 11, 2003, 05:15:09 PM »
I'm not sure of the source of the article. I may even grabbed it from this forum.

Man Stabbed with Swordfish in Fight

MADEIRA BEACH, Fla. (Reuters) -
A Florida fisherman was recovering on Friday after being stabbed with the
bill of a swordfish during a fight with another man, a sheriff's spokeswoman
said. Police arrested Frank Ashmus, 46, and Garth Spacek, 42, on Thursday
after the two fishermen allegedly started fighting near a dock in Madeira
Beach, a small city on Florida's Gulf Coast. Police said that after Spacek
hit Ashmus in the head with a beer bottle and left, Ashmus went to Spacek's
apartment and stabbed him in the abdomen with a sharp detached bill of a
swordfish. "We don't see this kind of thing very often," said Pinellas
County Sheriff spokeswoman Marianna Pasha. Both men were drunk, according to
police. Ashmus and Spacek were held without bond on charges of aggravated
battery. Spacek was in fair condition, Pasha said.

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