Wanted to bring this back and see what everyone was doing these days to keep healthy and strong..Guess I'll start..I have come along way since I first started. When I started these forums I was 163lbs @ 5'8
Now I am at 200lbs or maybe a tad more..So this is what I have been doing as of late
Monday- Chest/Biceps/Forearms
1) Incline Press
w/u - 2 sets of 120 x 12
work Sets
150 x 12
160 x 11
170 x 11
185 x 10
210 x 8
2) Flat Bench Press
w/u - 2 sets of 110 x 12
work Sets
170 x 12
180 x 11
200 x 10
240 x 9
260 x 8
3) Flat DB Flyes
30 x 12
40 x 12
50 x 8
55 x 8
4) Standing BB Curls
60 x 12
70 x 12
90 x 10
100 x 9
110 x 8
5) DB Curls
35 x 12
40 x 12
50 x 8
6) Isolation DB Curls
40 x 12
40 x 12
40 x 12
7) Wrist Curls - 4 sets to fail
Tuesday - Legs/Abs
1) Prison Squats w/ 100lb weight vest - 4 x 25
2) Squats
W/U weight - 120 x 2 sets to 12
Work Weight
150 x 12
180 x 10
200 x 9
250 x 9
280 x 9
3) Sitting Leg Press
200 x 12
220 x 12
250 x 10
280 x 10
290 x 8
4) Leg Extentions
110 x 12
110 x 12
115 x 10
5) Leg Curls
110 x 11
110 x 10
110 x 10
6) Incline Sit Ups - 4 x 25
7) Cable Crunches - 4 x 140lbs x 15 reps
Wednesday - I have off but I am starting to work on my ground and pound stuff again..I think I put up reply to a topic here where I had been in some shit at a night club and I started Bjjing a guy and he pulled out a pen and started stabbing me in my leg..I used to work ground beatings alot but stopped for some reason..I am going back though. I am also starting to work on some of my Dirty street boxing again and some FMA knife( Back Ground/Pekiti and Prison lol)..I used to speak to Guide Dog alot about a guy who was a inmate at chino penn who was out and was talking to me about how knife goes down in the penn and was willing to show me some stuff on defence and attack..I need to call this guy again and team up with him if he has not been locked up again lol!
Thursday - Shoulders/ Triceps/ Abs
1) Over Head Barbell Press
Warm Ups - 2 sets @ 60lbs
work Sets
100 x 12
105 x 10
110 x 9
115 x 9
119 x 9
2) Front Upright Row
60 x 12
70 x 12
80 x 10
90 x 10
3) Clean And Press
120 x 8
130 x 6
140 x 6
150 x 5
4) DB Side Laterals
20 x 12
30 x 12
35 x 10
40 x 10
5) Skull Crushers
60 x 12
70 x 12
75 x 12
80 x 10
100 x10
6) Cable Tricep Press Down
100 x 12
130 x 12
150 x 11
160 x 11
170 x 10
7) Leg LIfts - 4 x fail
Sitting Torso Twist - 4 x fail at 100lbs
9) Weightes Side bends with 45lb plate
Friday - Back/Traps/Legs "Again" / Calves
1) Standard Pull Ups - 4 x fail
2) Hammer grip Pull Ups - 4 x fail
3) Reverse Grip Pull Ups - 4 x fail
4) High Close Grip Pull Downs
100 x 12
140 x 12
160 x 12
180 x 10
5) Sitting T - row
100 x 12
100 x 12
110 x 12
6) Deadlift
W/U weight - 135 at 2 sets to 10
Work Weight
200 x 6
250 x 5
280 x 4
350 x 3
7) DB Shurgs
70 x 12
90 x 10
90 x 10
90 x 9
Farmer Walks
I keep the weight at the same cause I dont wanna hurt my lower back after those dead lifts
190lbs for 25 steps x 4 sets
9) Standing Calf Raise
225lbs for 4 sets to fail
My cardio has been jump rope on monday, Thursday I do 4 sets at 2 mins..Didnt want to hit to much cardio cause I was bulking phase and Hypertrophey phase.