Guro Crafty training Spanish Navy MPs
Peyton Quinn “Real Fighting” page 161
In closing this section of scenario-based training with the stick, I must include a mention of “the Dog Brothers” a.k.a. Marc Denny and Eric Knaus in Hermosa Beach, CA. , , , What I want you to appreciate is that these guys are not some machismo assholes; they don’t really do this to show you how tough they are. They do it to explore the warrior spirit and to exercise same in a way that few martial arts people are willing to step up for. , , , This level of contact is certainly not for everybody, but it is something that everybody can watch and learn from if he or she has an open mind. , , , I have no doubt that either of these guys would be a terror in a real fight, even if he did not have a stick in his hand, because of their training methods tests, develops, and strengthens the warrior spirit of “entering in” and “striking down the enemy.”
Dear Guro Marc:
I just wanted to send a personal note of thanks for making it down here to Ohio and doing the seminar. I thought all the material I got to see was presented well, and even if I never take it to the level you engage in, has helped me a great deal on my personal journey. Your talk in the beginning about also being able to help people such as artists and others and not just the Dogzilla’s of the world, hit a resonant chord with me. Because that’s what I do. I’m an artist, a commercial illustrator by trade. I think I was the one that asked the most questions as we were seated on the first day. I just wanted to let you know I enjoyed meeting you and wished we could have talked more.
God bless, Chris
p.s. I was pleasantly amused when you described yourself as just right of Attila the Hun. I think we here in middle America often think that everyone of any notoriety on either coast has to be “out there” politically.
Dear Guro Denny,
I’d like to express my regards towards your seminar in Columbus. I found it to be very exciting to meet you and train with you. As far as the entering concepts, the are efficient and reliable. I gained so much from yourself and the other artists around me. Being the youngest one there,19 years old, it was a little surreal being in the same room with all those great martial artists and gaining some much knowledge. I went back to my instructor and explained a few concepts I had learned. He was very proud of me for the knowledge I gained, which in turn made me feel good as a student. Your seminar was fuel for me to get back into the scene more than ever. So I express much graditude and Honor for this.
Matt Blosser
Strength and Honor
Dear Marc and Cindy,
I just wanted to drop you a line/paragraph of thanks for putting on a
truly inspiring training camp. The experience exceeded all my expectations and then some. I only wish I could have had more time – so many great opportunities to train while visiting LA!!! But you can bet us canucks are training our butts off and looking forward very much to next year!
Thanks again,
Wen Wiltshire
Montreal, Canada.
I like to say you guys have my respect. It is good to the Filipino arts grow thank you for being apart of it. thanks.
James Marqiuna
Filipino and martial artist
From: Loki Jorgenson <loki@bb.cecm.sfu.ca
Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2001 16:02:47 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: eskrima: Canucks go to (DB) camp.
Another long overdue review of the Dog Brothers camp in L.A. The Phoenix Rises I for one was disappointed when I heard that the Gatherings of the Pack were no more (at least the regular public ones I had been attending for the last several years). I felt good to have been at the last one and marked its occasion. And I was glad to be at the newest incarnation of DB spirit too. The opportunity to *train* with other DBs was a real development for me, given that I usually only got a few hours every six months or so with most DBs. Sure, I’d been coming down to train with Crafty when I could. But it was an inspiration to pull everyone together to share amongst ourselves, learn from the top fighters, various grandmasters and world champions, as well as fight. Canucks Go to Camp And it was a good showing from the northern tribes as five Canadians made it; one from Vancouver (yours truly), one from Toronto (Tyler), two from Montreal (Sled Dog and Owen), and one fresh from the last few years in Oaxaca, Mexico (Jacy). I hadn’t seen most of them for over a year so that was good all on its own. The Teachers and the Training I was duly impressed by the line up of teachers, both on paper and in actuality. Brilliant knife technique from the Sayocs (not for the squeamish), intriguing stick with staff technique from GM Estalilla, clever standing grapple from World Cup champion Rico Chiparelli, fascinating BJJ-informed yoga blend from Roger Machado, and a great mix of DB material from Crafty, Salty and Top Dogs. Plus, of course, bonus training on the side from unadvertised teachers like Sled Dog. My personal favourite was the Krabi Krabong – can’t say what it is exactly but it gets my vote every time. It’s raw. And it hits hard. And it kicks. Literally. Which during a stick fight is great technique if you have the right technology. I’m working on it. Healing after the Fight And the emphasis on healing and recovery was relatively unqiue. Yoga, massage, and pressure point was integrated into the use of the weapons and the training in a way I had seldom seen. And it was clearly a side of being martial that hasn’t received enough attention IMHO. I missed the staff massage and meditation conducted by the famous (and infamous) Dr. Gyi after the fighting on Sunday (early flight home). However several others noted that it was a real benefit to them and particularly interesting. No one demonstrating technique was a light weight. And all the material, from staff to stick to knife to empty hand made this a rich three days. .
Crafty – when’s the next one?
Pekiti-Tirsia Kali Loki Jorgenson
Maelstrom Martial Arts
silat Jati Wisesa loki@pekiti-tirsia.org (604) 837-0240
Dog Brothers MA www.pekiti-tirsia.org/ManoBaston
Inosanto Academy
Got both the tapes I ordered and I was very impressed, both with the quality of the tapes and of course its contents. I got a thrill from The Grandfathers Speak as I believe it is important to know of your art’s background. Combining stick and footwork is also excellent as my footwork is almost non-existent. My compliments. I am looking forward to the rest of the series.
Allen Rivera
Greetings Crafty,
I am working for the local Police Department now (rookie with almost no time off) and only teaching part-time. I teach a small Kali Club, no really bad pun intended, and help out at Francis Fong’s when I get the time off.
The summer that you ended up teaching for Guro Dan at the Academy 96? has been an inspiration to me and I really am grateful for those classes you taught. I know my students are dedicated dog followers…..puppies.
Take Care
Benjamin Salas
I just received the tapes and the material and instructions are great!! They will be a great access to learn from – being able to review them over again. They emphasize the proper stroke the stick should make, as well as proper body placement from the feet, waist, torso, free hand and head. The detailed information, given for the physical aspects of motor skills – muscle and mind memorization needed of the techniques to learn, is covered immensely!
The interviews, and thoughts from the members add a personal touch to each tape. It’s as if though Eric and Marc are visiting with the student, one on one after a personal training session! Giving their insight of the Art, how it has changed them, and of the feeling of the pack.
Thanks again!
Michael R. Noseff
Dear Dog Brothers,
I saw your Gathering today and it was excellent. A bunch of good fun if ever I saw it.
Keep up the fun.
Larry Rudd
Pencak Silat Ratu Adil
I just wanted to thank Mr. Denny (Crafty Dog) and his assistant Mr. Tibbitts (Dogzilla) for the outstanding training they provided me with at Edged Weapons Conference 2000. Although my training partner and I tended to be the overdoing it idiots, I really got a great deal of education and respect for what you guys do. From my experience as a down and dirty street cop who loves a good fight, you guys are the real deal, and right on track with what works. I don’t get overally impressed with alot of the martial arts training out there, but I am impressed with what the Dog Brothers are all about.
Cpl. Darryl Bolke, Ontario Police Dept., Ontario Ca.
e-mail kwyjibo35@aol.com.
Just some random thoughts and a word of thanks. With what you showed me 2 years ago I feel that I have been able to significantly change (for the better ) my own training, but more importantly the quality of my teaching. I have been working a a poice officer for roughly a year now, and a few nights ago had my first encounter with the non-compliant combative suspect we all have nightmares about. I truly believe that my experience training with you, far more than any of my agency or “official” training, got me through the encounter unharmed, kept my partner unharmed, and let me get the suspect under control with no serious injury to him either (ie he did not spend the night in the hospital and I left him with the same IQ he started with. Anyway, the knowledge that I just had to stay with and guide the situation kept things from going completely out of control, and kept me from panicing, and also from simply stopping and looking at him after the first baton blow did not work. Thanks much.
Chad Dulin
My name is Jeff Brown and I own and operate a school with 400 students in Dayton, Ohio. I’m a big fan of the Dog Brothers Ultra Real Combative Gatherings and their approach to training. After meeting Guro Crafty in person, I knew I had to begin training with him. His analysis of range and structure has truly changed my perspective and have improved all the combative games that I actively compete in. Guro Crafty also gives you the drills you need to make your techniques work.
I discussed my extensive background in Penchak Silat Mande Mude (10+years including 3 trips to Indonesia) with Guro Crafty. I also mentioned that I compete in Muay Thai/Lethaway/Boxing/Stickfighting and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. So off to sunny California for Guro Inosanto’s Instructor’s Camp and private lessons with Guro Crafty. As we trained in Dog Brothers Martial Arts, Guro Crafty asked my about my structure in kickboxing matches and raised the possibility of using kali-silat in No Holds Barred (NHB) fights. He showed me some ideas , , , Awesome! We put me on assignment “Use Kali-silat in your next full contact kickboxing match at the Bando Nationals” — good plan!
My match was one of the main events. Most people think of Guro Crafty as only a stickfighting teacher, but I want to say that I am very pleased with the results of my empty hand training with him and continue my training with him to apply kali-silat in the context of NHB and I WANT TO EXPRESS THE UTMOST RESPECT AND GRATITUDE TO GURO CRAFTY FOR INSPIRING ME TO USE AND EXPERIMENT WITH SILAT!
Dear Mr. Denny:
I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you for presenting an informative and entertaining seminar in Houston, TX. Although you will not remember me personally I was the rather nervous young man that, prior to the seminar, asked if beginners were welcome. In case you couldn’t tell, I was having a blast by the time it was over.
Too often in this world, the martial arts included, I find that those with exceptional skill look down upon those of us who do not. I find the Dog Brothers are a welcome exception. Your instruction and demeanor are friendly and inviting and I truly believe that if more people like yourselves were involved in the martial arts, everyone would be better off.
Thank you again,
Jason Maxwell
Dear Guro Crafty,
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and everyone else that was involved with organizing this year’s seminar and gathering. This was the first time that I have ever attended and I must say that I am extremely impressed. The first thing that impressed me was how friendly everyone was. There were no attitudes from neither the seminar participants nor the instructors. Everyone was willing to help each other grow and learn in a very positive environment. Benjamin and Pappy Dog were especially helpful. I had a great deal of difficulty grasping the strikes that were done in conjunction with the lower canine footwork. Benjamin and Pappy Dog pulled me aside a couple of times to ensure that I grasped the material and both were very patient.
Moreover, I was impressed by how well the event was organized. The classes moved right on schedule and were presented in a very professional manner. I initially had reservations about the cost. However, I feel that it was money well spent. I was afraid of attending a seminar that was going to try to wow me with a bunch of flashy and complex stuff that I would not be able to use or retain. Instead, the material presented was functional,strait forward and easily integrated into any martial artist’s repertoire.
Finally, I would like to thank you for the opportunity to participate in the gathering. This is an experience that has changed my whole life. Originally, I did not intend to participate in the gathering. I had never seen the video’s so I did not really have an idea of what to expect. Once I saw it I taking place,I was both transfixed and absolutely terrified. After much hemming and hawing, I tracked down Pretty Kitty, signed the waiver and geared up. The thing that changed my life was that the gathering provided me with that metaphorical fork in the road. I decided right then and there that I was going to live my life as a participant and not a bystander regardless of the consequences. My fight was kind of short…I gave up over 100lbs on my first time out..and I got fang choked in the corner. But that was the best part of the whole experience. It was on this day that I learned that I can do anything!
Thank You!!!
Herb Mathers
(from Phoenix!)
Dear Marc,
The Dog Brothers are truly the special pioneers in the martial arts. Your skills, discipline, courage and self-control are truly amazing. You, Mr. Eric Knaus, Arlan Sanford and other members of your elite group are far above and beyond the rest of us. You are amazing with proficient skills, endurance of pain, self-discipline and control. As a teacher I find you personally to be creative, innovative, and daring. These qualities are very rare. Marc, your system is effective and exciting.
M. Gyi
Exposure to the Dog Brothers has given me a greater understanding, insight and appreciation to stickfighting and to my martial arts training as a whole. The Dog Brothers is truly a brotherhood where they allow individuals to reach their full potential. It allows you to recognize your weaknesses, and how to go about improving them.
I highly recommend training under Guro Crafty in Dog Brothers Martial Arts. His own exposure from teachers such as Guro Inosanto, Dr. Gyi, Punong Guro Edgar Sulite, the Machado Bros, etc., and through his particpation in full contact stickfighting matches, has given him a great understanding in analyzing the anatomy of a full contact stickfight. He has a interesting progression in his teaching methods. He can take a student from A to Z.
I can only speak for myself, because for me, being an instructor in DBMA using Guro Marc’s teaching progression, I have devloped students who have competed and won full contact stickfighting matches, and particpated and held their own at Dog Brother Gatherings. I am fortunate to have Guro Crafty visit my school every year for seminars and is one of our favorites here at PMAA.
So, if your interested in taking your filipino martial arts training to a new level, look into DBMA and see for yourself what Guro Marc “Crafty Dog” has to offer.
Nick “Raw Dog” Sacoulas
From Eskrima Digest:
Subject: Marc “Crafty Dog” Denny Columbus, OH Seminar Review
This past weekend, the International Martial Arts Academy of Columbus hosted Guro Marc Denny for a two day seminar on Dog Brothers Martial Arts! Over 20 students from all over attended, including New York and Texas (Dog Chuck!). For many, it was their first experience to DBMA and one that would leave a lasting impression indeed!
Saturday began with an over-view of the Seven Range Theory, and how important it was to be functional in all of them. This lead us to Snaggletooth training, a very crucial element to combining your stick with your footwork. Marc introduced us to the “Meteronome” training method, which all seemed to enjoy. It puts students of varying skill levels on the same page during a drill, thus increasing the benefits they get from the training no matter what their level. What a great teaching concept! From there, we progressed into the sixth range, the Standing-Grapple. With DBMA being a “system of many styles”, Marc showed how to use Attacking Blocks with elements of Krabai-Krabrong to safely close the gap and achieve the standing-grapple. Once there, he gave us a whole new bag of tricks to dominate position, take-down or control and punish! Day two began with more SnaggleTooth training, adding to the footwork/striking pattern foundation from day one. Adding the second step to the SnaggleTooth, we were able to get through the “triangle from thethird-dimension” and really wack the hell out of our opponent! A must-have skill for stickfighting!! We finished the day with my personal favorite, StickGrappling! Anyone who has heard Marc’s analogy of StickGrappling and Pinball knows this is not a place you want to be with the Crafty Dog! It makes for a long day when a Punyo is cracking you in the skull; you try to defend, only to get hammered in the face with a punch! Again, you try to defend, only to walk into a matrix of chokes and locks! Not so fun on the receiving end! At the end, we watched some fights from the Gathering, with Marc pointing out some important details. The Dog Bros. phrase, “if you see it taught, you see it fought”, says it all. Guro Denny is that rare combination of teacher/fighter. All in all, it was a Great weekend! I want to say a Huge Thank You to Guro Crafty for coming in and putting on one hell of a seminar! And for bringing us a taste of Dog Brothers Martial Arts to Ohio. Also, a big thank you to all the students that participated..especially Dog Chuck Blanchard for his assistance. We’ll be looking forward to more of Crafty Dog in the future.
Mike Hamilton
Woof Marc,
Once again, I’d like to thank the “Dog Brothers” for doing a reality check on our art. It was sorely needed.
Sincerely Yours,
Lindsey Largusa
2 days of personal training with Guro Crafty-$1000.00
2 days hotel stay-$120.00
gas money to and from Utah-$100.00
higher level of understanding- Priceless
I recently attended a personal training session with Guro Crafty. During the two days of intense training Guro showed me literally dozens of techniques I had never seen before. However the most valuable thing I walked away with was a higher level of understanding. Being involved in JKD for many years I was following the philosophy of “absorb what is useful, disregard what is useless” as many of us do. However I quickly realized that I was not qualified to make any such decisions based on my level of understanding. Guro Crafty showed me that techniques I had disregarded as useless for combat were in fact very applicable if they were understood.
For example, I was originally taught a number of disarms and we practiced them as the answer to an opponents angle one (cave man) strike. The disarms were not hard to do when being fed at a slow predictable manner. I found though when I tried to pull these off in real time I ended up with the horrible taste of rattan in my mouth. Due to this experience I considered disarms as accidental not incidental and disregarded them. This was a mistake made due to my lack of understanding. I did not understand that disarms are used as secondary techniques. I could not pull off a disarm as an answer to an opponents cave man, but after knocking their strike off line, disrupting their balance, and advancing with proper footwork I can disarm my opponents they are recovering.
Now with a higher level of understanding given to me by Guro Crafty I find I have a lot more options in combat, as well as an increase in skill.
C. Shawn Owens
Guro Denny,
Awesome tape (Combining Stick and Footwork). I just received it yesterday. The fights were incredible, and the info was just what I needed. It went right along w/ some of the things you help me realize at the seminar in Dayton. , , , If my finances are in order by July…I am going to try like hell to make it to the DBMA camp!! I really like the way DBMA Association is set up…and I look forward to my training under you!
Mike Hamilton
Thank you so much for the encouragement Marc. The Dog Brothers are the group responsible for getting me into the FMA inthe first place, so to fight on the field among all of you was an honor. I loved the experience. it was odd but something after the knife fight got me so sparked to fight on. The only reason I stopped is because I didn’t want to get injured, and I had taken a few good ones already. Had I been better at Defense I wouldn’t have stopped at 6. Anyhow, I look forward to May. I will be training now with a better understanding of what I should be training.
Jarod Lojek
Hi Crafty,
My name is Dan Rutano, I don’t think you remember me. We met a few years ago at Steve Grody’s School at the time when you were shooting Edgar Sulite’s first video. I was with Edgar Sulite and Romy Macapagal. I was also present when Romy gave you the knife he made. If my memory serves me right, I think this was at the Inosanto Academy.
Anyways, I would just like to say that as a Filipino, I wholeheartedly support what you guys are doing in promoting the FMA. For those that say that you guys are not doing FMA because you added other arts, are missing the point. The strenght of the FMA is the ability to learn and absorb new ways of doing things, as well as adapt to changing environment.
Some say that what you do is not real fighting because of the fencing mask, I like to say that, in all of the printed material I read about DB, it never claimed “real fights”, but “real contact stickfighting”. It is not “real fights” in the sense that there is no cheating, and the intention of maiming or actually trying to kill your opponent is not present. You stop when your opponent is not in a position to defend themselves. It is real contact stickfighting because you don’t hold back in your strike or techniques, and there is no protection on the body. In other words, if you get hit, you will feel it. How I wish back then, we have face protection. I could have save my face from stitches.
Obviously, not everybody would like to participate in full contact sparring with minimal protective gear for various reasons, but they should not put down others that want to do it.
Just my thought.
Dan Rutano
This from a FMA digest based in the Philippines: I was wondering if anyone saw the Dog Brothers last Saturday afternoon on AXN? Brutal stuff. Agree with thier methodology or not, we could all pick up on thier “live fire” training. Muestras, light sparring and heavily protected full contact just isn’t the same. I’ve been around, yet I was very impressed. Nothing pretty, but undoubtably effective, you SAW it being used in an all out fight. It has made me review my outlook on the FMA, I don’t take the “never never land fantasy” attitude, a similar style gathering in Manila would be interesting to say the least.
Luis Pellicer III
Woof Guro C,
What I’ve really noticed after meeting you and training with you, is that my analytical and problem solving skills have improved considerably, in particular a deeper understanding of the seven ranges has proved invaluable. The guys in California are very fortunate to have access to training with you on a weekly basis, we envy them.
Krishna Godhania
Noted English eskrima teacher
Dear Marc,
I feel compelled to express to you my deep appreciation for the training and knowledge that you have shared with me. I feel very fortunate and appreciate the training methods and techniques you have shown me. But there is something much more. I know I don’t have the greatest attributes, but you have helped me tap a part of me; that natural need to develop and express that basic innate need to get down in a very real way and for this I wish to offer my sincere gratitude. Thanks for sharing.
Mark Smith
SWAT Team Sergeant
Dear Marc:
I just wanted to drop a line telling you how much I enjoyed the seminar you gave at Mount Holyoke College for my student Ed. I thought that your material was very well organized and that the time spent was extremely productive. Thanks to you and your group for all the pain and research that you have been doing over the years, those of us that might not be interested in actually doing the real contact fight (health interests) can benefit from your training methods.
J. Richard Roy
J.R. Roy Martial Arts Studio
I’d like to commend Guro Crafty and staff for the superb job they have done in perpetuating the arts here in America. I have been following the Dog Brothers for some time now and I must say as a Filipino practitioner (kali and silat), I am so proud of the way you give credit to where credit is due. So many times some would benefit from a teacher then turn around and claim the arts as if this student spontaneously became a full blown guro! as we say back home : “Walang utang sa loob”. Anyway, please keep up the great work.