Tribal Gathering of the Pack® Registration

Saturday & Sunday – May 3 – 4, 2025

Let the howl go forth!

The season is upon us once again to take up stick and knife, saber and buckler, mask and gloves, and participate in the annual Dog Brothers ceremony known as a USA Tribal Dog Brothers Gathering of the Pack®. All tribe members of good spirits are welcome.

WHERE: Holy Grounds, Hermosa Beach, Ca

WHEN: Saturday and Sunday, May 3 – 4, 2025


Because at the park we have no location costs and associated expenses, there’s NO REGISTRATION FEE!

We do have a cameraman though. Any contributions to help pay for his services are gratefully accepted BUT not mandatory.

Remember, at the Holy Ground:

The only rest room is a full block away. No changing rooms. No water fountains. No bleachers or benches for people to watch. Parking is limited – get there early to have sufficient time to find a place to park. Subject to the weather. Subject to being shut down by the police. To participate, you must remember FOUR things:

First: Pre-register. This must be handled in advance. If you are not on the registered list of fighters – you do not fight. 

Second: Whether you fight or just watch, as always – No suing no one for no reason for no reason for nothing no way no how. Only you are responsible for you. Protect yourself at all times. One rule only – be friends at the end of the day.

Third: NO VIDEO CAMERAS PLEASE! Fight footage will be provided to Tribe Members in the Tribal Gathering online archive.

Fourth: Attention all Full Dog Brothers, nominations for ascension can be discussed on the Tribe Members Forum.

“Higher Consciousness through harder contact”®


For any questions, please contact:
Fu Dog / Mark O’Dell
American Representative on the Council of Elders

Registered Fighters List