
written by Marc “Crafty Dog” Denny What follows is a reworking of something that was originally posted on the Eskrima Digest on the subject of trapping. It began with a good question, a slightly edited version of which follows: “, , , , In short, Burt Richardson (and some others I know) seem to doubt … Read more

He Had His Art

Several years back, a man I had fought at a “Dog Brothers Gathering” went out behind his school and blew his brains out. He was involved in intense law enforcement work and I was told that his marriage was ending. He left two daughters and a separated wife.

He was a part of the extended Inosanto Tribe as well the Dog Brothers tribe and so I mentioned it to Guro Inosanto. He was surprised, and instantly exclaimed “How could he have done that? He had his Art!”

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The Days Before A Fight

written by Marc “Crafty Dog” Denny The days before the fight are always a powerful crucible. I have a non-martial art teacher who when someone seeks to leave a situation that makes them uncomfortable says, “Whatever you do, keep on being here in this moment.” I may not have the quote exactly right, but I … Read more


written by Marc “Crafty Dog” Denny In DBMA, we have a considerable emphasis on developing both hands ability to work individually and in non-symetrical coordination with either hand be able to function as the dominant one. Through my exposure to NLP and a random sermon by one Rev. Terry Cole Whittaker caught while surfing one … Read more

State of New Jersey to Regulate Martial Arts

written by Marc “Crafty Dog” Denny Recently there has been a push in the State of New Jersey to regulate martial arts. Originally it was pushed as protection from child molesters, but when it was pointed out that if that were the case then those regulated should be all who dealt with children, not martial … Read more

Welcome (Spanish)

Bienvenidos a la pagina oficial en Espanol de los Dog Brothers Martial Arts U.S.A. “Conciencia mas alta a traves de contacto mas duro ?”. Como pueden ver nuestra p?gina en ingles es bastante amplia, y traducirla al espa?ol no es tarea de un solo d?a. Pero como cualquier viaje comienza con un primer paso, poco … Read more

Introduction (Spanish)

PERRO QUE HABLA Entrevista con el “Crafty Dog” (El perro astuto) de los “Dog Brothers” Este articulo fue publicado en la revista Cintur?n Negro n?117 del mes de Octubre y n?118 de Noviembre de 1.999. A la edad de 46 a?os, el Crafty Dog sigue siendo uno de los mas destacados luchadores, y como maestro … Read more

Trapping (Spanish)

Este art?culo es una revisi?n de algo que fue originalmente enviado a la revista Eskrima Digest sobre el aspecto del trapping. Comienza con una buena pregunta, lo que sigue es una versi?n ligeramente resumida.

…En resumen, Burt Richardson (y algunos otros maestros que conozco) parecen dudar de la utilidad del tipo de atrape de Jun Fan/Wing Chun (o al menos como ellos lo han entrenado ?y yo pienso que este podr?a ser el asunto.

?Como puedes reconocer, que todas esas cosas que aprendemos de las Artes Marciales Filipinas como la sombrada, pu?o sombrada, hubad, y 1001 desarmes, tienen poca utilidad en los enfrentamientos de alta intensidad como las peleas sin reglas que realiz’is los Dog Brothers. No es necesario decir que tal entrenamiento es in?til, pero ?En una situaci?n de desventaja que es m?s importante el trapping o el trabajo de potencia y las t?cnicas de evasi?n’. A los ojos de Burt, esta clase de situaciones, de aplicaciones al trapping, a menudo no suceden o, al menos no de la misma manera que se entrena. Por ejemplo: das un pu?o, ?l bloquea, te da un punto de referencia alto exterior y t? haces pak sao, etc.

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