
This year’s Camp is dedicated to our “DIE LESS OFTEN” curriculum, with emphasis on Knife, Anti-Knife, and the distinctive issues in Empty Hand Striking for DLO problems. My co-instructors will be Original Dog Brother and Dog Brother legend, Dogzilla Michael Tibbitts. Mike brings the insights of thirty three lively years as a Federal Corrections Officer … Read more

Eric “Top Dog” Knaus

Bark! Top Dog here, for this once delurking to set the record straight concerning the claim, which pops up from time to time, that Pekiti Tirsia fighting in the 1970’s was the same as Dog Brothers fighting today. To state matters gently, this claim is an overstatement. Perhaps a bit of history is in order. … Read more

Intelligence Gathering for Personal Safety

by Tom Givens My dictionary defines “intelligence” as follows: “1. Capacity for understanding and for other forms of adaptive behavior; aptitude for grasping truths, facts, meanings; 2. Good mental capacity; 3. The faculty of understanding; 6. The gathering or distribution of information, especially secret information; 7. A staff of persons engaged in obtaining such information;”. … Read more

History & Events Of The Philippines

written by Marc “Crafty Dog” Denny Reposts from Eskrima Digest From Point Cebu website… Of the 7,107 islands comprising the Philippines, Cebu has the most historical significance. At the time of the global scramble for exotic spices in the East, a Portuguese navigator sailing for Spain, Fernando Magallanes, came upon Zubu (Cebu) on April 7, … Read more

From A Military Doctor

written by CPT Stephen R. Ellison, M.D. am a doctor specializing in Emergency Medicine in the Emergency Departments of the only two military Level One trauma centers. They are both in San Antonio, TX and they care for civilian emergencies as well as military personnel. San Antonio has the largest military retiree population in the … Read more

A Personal Account Of A Headhunting Raid

written by Marc “Crafty Dog” Denny F.W. Up De Graff.Head hunters of the Amazon:Seven Years of Exploration and Adventure, New York: Garden City 1925 p. 273-283 The following passage illustrates a first-hand account of the author’s journey during a head-hunting expedition in 1897. A VICTORY on the battlefield is for these Upper Amazon Indians the … Read more

Let’s Roll

We all know of the “well-regulated militia” of our Second Amendment. It is very much worth noting that in the usage of when the Bill of Rights was written, “regulated” did NOT mean “regulations”. It meant “smoothly running”. Thus, an accurate watch could be said to be “well regulated”.

The Tao of the Dog & The Why of Dog Brothers Martial Arts

written by Guro Crafty I am often asked about the our name, “the Dog Brothers.” It can be explained on many levels, but one of my favorite ways of looking at it can be found in a newspaper article by one Jeff McMahon: “Most actions of men can be explained by observing a pack of … Read more


written by Marc “Crafty Dog” Denny What follows is a reworking of something that was originally posted on the Eskrima Digest on the subject of trapping. It began with a good question, a slightly edited version of which follows: “, , , , In short, Burt Richardson (and some others I know) seem to doubt … Read more


QUESTION: What is the difference between “the Dog Brothers”, “Dog Brothers Inc. Martial Arts” (DBIMA) and “Dog Brothers Martial Arts”? The Dog Brothers are a band of sweaty, smelly, psychopaths with sticks. DBIMA is the corporation founded by Marc “Crafty Dog” Denny. It is the vehicle through which the “Gatherings of the Pack” are hosted … Read more