Pat Gagnon is a guro in Pekiti-Tirsia Kali and a khru in Krabi-Krabong (Buddhai Sawan Method). He is also a veteran Dog Brothers fighter and has attained the fighter name ‘Green Mountain Dog.’ Pat began his martial arts training in 2005 in freestyle kickboxing and Brazilian Jui-Jitsu with Matt Lee and Team Elite in Clinton, MA. After training for a year, moves to New York City, Vancouver (Canada), and Boston, brought a shift in focus to combat arts. He began serious training in Pekiti-Tirsia Kali in 2006, and added Krabi-Krabong and Dog Brothers Martial Arts to his training regime in 2008. Since 2010, Pat fights regularly at Dog Brothers Gatherings and actively teaches and prepares fighters in Vermont and in the Boston metro area. He has also undergone immersed training in the Philippines and attends numerous seminars throughout North America.