Bolo Game 15

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3 thoughts on “Bolo Game 15”

  1. You show a Caveman Strike as an entry to the Kalimba Game. I completely took this for granted until the last time we meet up at you Mom’s house for a private lesson. You showed me how to use the Caveman shot to drift under the opponents Caveman attack. The goal was to first establish meeting the force of his Caveman and out Caveman strike. We then drift under his Caveman shot. Since he was expecting contact, he will tend to over rotate since contact was not made. This, along with a simultaneous step to the corner of the outside diamond, gives us a portal to take our opponent by surprise and launch a Nitrous Kalimba attack.

    It may only work once in a fight. If it is a fight for your life, once can be enough to prevail. I can understand why he would want to keep this secret.

    Golden 😎

  2. You hit a very important point here Steve– there are things that work best the first time the opponent/adversary sees them.

    This can be very particular, such as the Caveman Drift Shot that you describe, or they can be more general e.g. establishing the outside corner of the Diamond.

    This is a key concept in DBMA and naturally people look to work it and test it in sparring and fighting but the practical problem is that if we are too obvious or repetitive in going for it the opponent intuitively closes the line down.

    The next step is that the practitioner tends to doubt himself and/or the material.

    The answer I think lies in these points:

    a) Don’t mindlessly and repetitively more towards the corner. Done this way rarely will you succeed;

    b) Do be decisive in going for it the first time you go for it;

    c) Just as we speak of the Snaky Stick making our hand(s) hard to hit while masking our intention and our initiation, so too we must go about our footwork in a way that makes us hard to read as well.

    This is where spirals such as the Trigg 101, Trigg 102, Trigg 103 and others come into play. Similarly this is where the Trident Game footwork comes into play see e.g. my comment at

    This means we must have games for all three prongs of the Trident. If we do, then we can be hard to read in our intention and unpredictable in our initiation and thus our portal transitions can work as intended.

  3. Ah, a moment of satori. The Trident Game referres to footwork. I assumed it was the path of a forehand, backhand and centerline Bolo.

    That you for the tips. Eye opening to the idea of making our footwork hard to read.

    Sparring this material last week, my opponent was asstute to the game as I was using it a lot. He was anticipating my spiral in and was prepping his body for a spinning backhand Dodger.
    I could read his mechanics and footwork. I suppose it was ingrained from my Shotokan days as a kid.


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